Isaac Emberblood
Basic Stats
- Isaac Emberblood
- Human Male, Middle-Aged; Wizard15/Archmage4
- Alignment: Neutral
- Hitpoints: 152 (19d4 + con, max hitpoints as directed by Xaos)
- BAB: +9/+4
- Init: +5
- AC: 36/40 = [10 + 5 (dex) + 11 Armor (+7 Mithril Twilight Chain Shirt) + 4 NA (bracers) +1 Insight (Ioun Stone) +5 Deflection (ring) /+4 (Shield spell)
- SR: 23 (Staff of the magi)]; Touch AC: 21; Flatfooted: 31
- Speed: 30
- XP Total: 183,845
Changing Stats
- Current Hitpoints: 152
Current spells cast on person:
- Contingency - Cast Break Enchantment if affected by hostile Enchantment, Transmutation, or curse. ("Hostile" in game terms defined as Isaac has made an unsuccessful saving throw against the effect.)
- Mind Blank
- Detect Scrying
Current Spells Memorized
- Spell Slots - 0th: 4; 1st: 6; 2nd: 6; 3rd: 6; 4th: 6; 5th: 4; 6th: 4; 7th: 5; 8th: 2; 9th: 4 (bolded if already cast)
- Spell DC = 10 + Spell Level +8 (+1 for Evocation and Enchantment)
- 9th - Time Stop, Sphere of Ultimate Destruction, Imprisonment, (left open)
- 8th - Polymorph Any Object, (left open)
- 7th - Prismatic Spray, Banishment, Greater Teleport, Empowered Cone of Cold, (left open)
- 6th - Quickened Glitterdust, Stone to Flesh, Analyze Dweomer, Greater Dispel Magic
- 5th - Cone of Cold, Teleport, Break Enchantment, (left open)
- 4th - Dimension Door, Detect Scrying, Solid Fog, Locate Creature, Gentle Repose (prepped in 4th slot), Anticipate Teleportation
- 3rd - Fly, Fly, Protection from Energy, Fireball, Haste, Servant Horde
- 2nd - Command Undead, Fox's Cunning, Detect Thoughts, (left open), Gust of Wind, (left open)
- 1st - Alarm, (left open), (left open), True Strike, Silent Image, Obscuring Mist
- 0th - Prestidigitation, Message, Message, (left open)
Important Info
- SR Penetration: +25 to penetrate spell resistance (19 + 4 feat + +1 ioun stone +1 Spell Power Arcana)
- Goggles grant Darkvision 60 ft AND Continuous See Invisibility
- Ioun Stone & Spell Power Arcana boosts CL to 21
- Ioun Stone grants Sustenance
- Headband grants Continuous Read Magic, Comprehend Languages, and +3 to Planar Binding Negotiations
Isaac is a human of average build with flaming red hair that is thinning on top and just beginning to grey at the temples. He has a goatee that he often strokes when deep in thought. When relaxed and in his mage's workshop or painting studio, Isaac can seem unimposing. When ready for "adventuring" in his archmage's robes, ioun stone(s) floating about his head, Isaac projects a much larger presence.
Isaac has adventured with Albard, Kazoth, and Gregor from a young age and has deep loyalty to all of them. He takes his responsibilties as Gregor's "court wizard" very seriously and uses his considerable magical ability to ensure Altendorf's well-being. In his "spare time" he is a cautious planar traveler and has made expeditions to three of the four elemental planes. (He refuses to go to the plane of water and in fact has a mild phobia of large bodies of water due to a near-drowning experience when the group dealt with freshwater sahaguin early in their travels.)
The best way to get on Isaac's good side is to compliment his paintings. That, or slip Haplo a platinum piece and ask for an introduction.
Ability Scores
- Str: 11 (10, -1 aging, +2 belt)
- Dex: 14/20 (15, -1 aging, +6 gloves)
- Con: 14/18 (15, -1 aging, +4 enhancement)
- Int: 24/28 (18, 4 level-up increases, +1 aging, +4 enhancement, +1 tome)
- Wis: 14 (9, +1 aging, +4 periapt)
- Cha: 12 (11, +1 aging)
- Fort: +15 (wizard +5, archmage +1, +4 con, +5 resistance)
- Reflex: +16 (wizard +5, archmage +1, +5 dex, +5 resistance)
- Will: +20 (wizard +9, archmage +4, +2 wis, +5 resistance)
Scribe Scroll (wizard), Spell Focus: Evocation (Human bonus), Skill Focus: Spellcraft (1st), Craft Wonderous Item (3rd), Craft Wand (wizard 5th), Spell Penetration (6th), Improved Familiar (9th), Empower Spell (wizard 10th), Spell Focus: Enchantment (12th), Quicken Spell (15th), Sudden Maximize (wizard 15th), Greater Spell Penetration (18th)
Special Abilities
High Arcana: Mastery of Shaping (6th level slot sacrificed), High Arcana: Mastery of Elements (8th level slot sacrificed), High Arcana: Spell Power (5th level slot sacrificed), High Arcana: Spell-like Ability - Mindblank (5th and 8th level slots sacrificed)
Craft: Visual Art +30 (21 ranks, +9 Int), Concentration +25 (22 ranks, +3 Con), Decipher Script +18 (9 ranks, +9 Int), Diplomacy +8 (5 ranks, +2 K:N&R synergy, +1 Cha), Knowledge: Arcana +31 (22 ranks, +9 Int), Knowledge: Architecture & Engineering +22 (13 ranks, +9 Int), Knowledge: Dungeoneering +23 (14 ranks, +9 Int), Knowledge: Geography +21 (12 ranks, +9 Int), Knowledge: History +12 (3 ranks, +9 Int), Knowledge: Nobility & Royalty +14 (5 ranks, +9 Int), Knowledge: the Planes +31 (22 ranks, +9 int), Spellcraft +36 (22 ranks, +9 Int, +2 K:A synergy, +3 Skill Focus)
Common, Giant, Ignan, Auran, Infernal, Terran (2 skill points), Draconic (2 skill points)
Spells Known
Spells come from the following sources. Free = spells he started with or received as his two 'free' spells for leveling up every level. Iggwlv = spells he copied from Iggwlv's spellbook. Scrolls = Scrolls discovered during adventuring, as given by Xaos. Bought = Scrolls bought and scribed from starting cash.
Isaac uses two Boccob's Blessed Books ("Blessed Book" in SRD) to record his spells in, both of which he crafted himself using his 'Craft Wonderous Item' feat. One book functions as his 'primary' book and comes with him when he is adventuring. The other is a 'back-up' with all of the spells duplicated. It is kept in his tower in Altendorf, concealed behind a false wall stone and an arcane lock with a note: This spellbook belongs to an archmage. Steal it and I will hunt you down and make you suffer. I can do it. I know 'Discern Location.' Yours truly, Isaac Emberblood.
By utilizing Blessed Books, Isaac does not have to pay scribing costs. He would have had to early in his career, but I am assuming he sold that starting spellbook for the price of the scribing costs invested in it at some point.
0th: (free)- All in PHB
1st: (Iggwlv)- Summon Monster I, Protection from Law/Good/Evil, Chaos, Comprehend Languages, Ray of Enfeeblement (scrolls)- Alarm, Animate Rope, Burning Hands, Cause Fear, Charm Person, Chill Touch, Color Spray, Detect Secret Doors, Detect Undead, Disguise Self, Endure Elements, Enlarge Person, Erase, Featherfall, Tensor's Floating Disc, Grease, Hold Portal, Hypnotism, Identify, Jump, Mage Armor, Nystrul's Magic Aura, Magic Missile, Mount, Obscuring Mist, Reduce Person, Shield, Shocking Grasp, Silent Image, True Strike, Unseen Servant, Ventriloquism (free)- Expeditious Retreat
2nd: (Iggwlv)- Summon Monster II, Summon Swarm, Detect Thoughts, See Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy, Misdirection, Blindness/Deafness, Spectral Hand, Eagel's Splendor, Fox's Cunning, Owl's Wisdom (scrolls) Melf's Acid Arrow, Alter Self, Arcane Lock, Blur, Bull's Strength, Bear's Endurance, Cat's Grace, Command Undead, Continual Flame, Darkvision, Daze Monster, False Life, Flaming Sphere, Glitterdust, Gust of Wind, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Invisbility, Knock, Levitate, Locate Object, Minor Image, Mirror Image, Obscure Object, Leomund's Trap, Protection from Arrows, Pyrotechnics, Resist Energy, Rope Trick, Scare, Scorching Ray, Shatter, Spider CLimb, Web, Augment Familiar, Gadlee's Electric Loop.
3rd: (Iggwlv)- Dispel Magic, Nondetection, Protection from Energy, Summon Monster III, Arcane Sight, TOngues, Suggestion, Magic Circle vs. Evil/,Chaos/,Good/,Law (scrolls)- Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Contagion, Deep SLumber, Displacement, Explosive Runes, Fireball, Fly, Gaseous Form, Gentle Repose, Haste, Heroism, Hypnotic Pattern, Keen Edge, Major Image, Phantom Steed, Rage, Ray of Exhaustion, Servant Horde (level as per spell comp.), Sleet Storm, Slow, Vampiric Touch, Avoid Planar Effects, Discern Shapeshifter, Greater Magehand, Regal Procession (level as per spell comp), Reverse Arrows (free) Lightning Bolt, Invisibility Sphere, Secret Page, Water Breathing
4th: (Iggwlv)- Dimensional Anchor, Lesser Globe of Invulnerability, Summon Monster IV, Charm Monster, Crushing Despair, Lesser Geas, Bestow Curse, Enervation (scrolls) Illusory Wall, Mass Enlarge Person, Mass Reduce Person, Nondetection, Rainbow Pattern, Remove Curse, Leomund's Secure Shelter, Shadow Conjuration, Wall of Fire, Anticipate Teleportation, Mass Resist Energy, Orb of Sound (free)- Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door, Fire Shield, Stoneskin (Bought)- Locate Creature, Detect Scrying, Solid Fog
5th: (Iggwlv) Dismissal, Summon Monster V, Contact Other Plane, Feeblemind, Hold Monster, Mind Fog, Lesser Planar Binding, Magic Jar (scrolls) Stone Shape, Prismatic Ray, Prying Eyes, Baleful Polymorph (free)- Cone of Cold, Permanency, Teleport, Break Enchantment (Bought)- Sending, Passwall, Leomund's Chest, Major Creation
6th: (Iggwlv)- Greater Dispel Magic, Globe of Invulnerability, Planar Binding, Summon Monster VI, Analyze Dweomer, Legend Lore, True Seeing, Geas/Quest, Eyebite, Stone to Flesh, Flesh to Stone (scrolls)- Mass Owl's Wisdom, Bigby's Forceful Hand, Mordenkainen's Lubrication (free) Ootiluke's Freezing Sphere, Mass Suggestion, Contingency, Permanent Image
7th: (Iggwlv)- Banishment, Plane SHift, Summon Monster VII, Greater Arcane Sight, Vision, Insanity, Power Word Blind, Forcecage, Project Image (scrolls) Limited Wish, Mordenkainen's Sword (Free)- Prismatic Spray, Greater Teleport, Greater Scrying, Simulacrum
8th: (Iggwlv)- Dimensional Lock, Mind Blank, Greater Planar Binding, Summon Monster VIII, Trap the Soul, Moment of Prescience, Binding, Power Word Stun (scrolls) Sunburst (free)- Discern Location, Demand, Bigby's Clenched Fist, Polymorph Any Object
9th: (Iggwlv) - Imprisonment, Gate, Summon Monster IX, Dominate Monster, Power Word Kill, Soul Bind (free) - Meteor Swarm, Mordenkainen's Disjunction, Sphere of Ultimate Destruction, Time Stop, Summon Elemental Monolith, Shapechange
Nosnra's Spellbook: Isaac has Nosnra's spellbook(s), which contain All spells of the Abjuration, Divination, Enchantment and Illusion schools in the SRD + Complete Books, up to 6th level.
Isaac usually leaves at least one spell slot per level "open" when preparing spells, so that he can memorize specific spells as the situation demands. He typically has a contingency active. He is fond of Evocation, Enchantment, and Illusion spells. He utilizes Planar Binding spells extensively to deal with Elelmentals and elemental-related outsiders (such as genies), but he deals with fiends and celestials only when he has no other choice.
Spell Slots:
- Spell Slots - 0th: 4; 1st: 6; 2nd: 6; 3rd: 6; 4th: 6; 5th: 4; 6th: 4; 7th: 5; 8th: 2; 9th: 4
Spell DC = 10 + Spell Level +9 (+1 for Evocation and Enchantment)
Many of Issac's items were personally crafted by him using the Craft Wondrous Item or Craft Wand feat. Items personally crafted have been noted with an asterix. Cost in gold and xp follows each item. Note that items crafted by Isaac are only half standard gp cost, since he only paid for materials, not full market value. A few items are unique and have been noted in more detail.
Magic Items
Worn Items
{*}Head: Headband of Excellent Archmagery Worn by Isaac. This is a unique item that combines a Headband of Intellect +4 with a helm of Comprehend Languages and Read Magic with a partial Circlet of Persusaion. The Persusasion function applies only to Outsiders or Elementals summoned with Planar Binding spells during negotiations. Effects are: (+4 Enhancement Bonus to Intelligence (16,000 gp), +3 Competence Bonus to Charisma Checks during Planar Binding negotiations (ad hoc 2250 gp x 1.5 for multiple abilities), Read Magic and Comprehend Languages at will, including +5 competence bonus to Decipher Script checks (5200 gp x 1.5 for multiple abilties). (13,588 gp + 1087 xp)
{*}Body: +7 Mithril Chain Shirt, Twilight
- Robe of Archmagi (Neutral) (not worn, available)
{*}Eyes: Eyeglasses of Darkvision and See Invisible Unique item combining Goggles of Darkvision with continuous See Invisible Effect.
{*}Neck: Periapt of Wisdom +4
{*}First Ring Slot:Ring of Major Fire Resistance
{*}Second Ring Slot: Ring of Protection (+5)
- Ring of Wizardry (I)(not worn, available)
- Ring of Djinn Calling (not worn, available)
- Ring of Elemental Command (Earth)
{*}Hands: Gloves of Dexterity (+6) (formerly Kazoth's)
{*}Belt: Belt of Health +4/Strength +2
{*}Cape: Nothing
{*} Shirt/Vest: Vest of Resistance +5
{*}Feet: Boots of Levitation
{*}Bracers: Crimson Dragonhide Bracers +4
{*}Clear Ioun Stone (Sustenance)
{*}Ioun Stone (dusty rose prism) +1 insight bonus to AC (Worn by Isaac)
{*}Ioun Stone (orange prism) +1 caster level (Worn by Isaac)
{*}Handy Haversack Worn by Isaac (1000 gp + 80 xp)
Carried Items
- Staff of the Magi (41 charges)
- Desdimina's Staff of Illumination (14c)
- Staff of Divination (14c)
- Staff of Evocation (50 c)
- Staff of Enchantment (50 c)
- Staff of Transmutation (50 c)
Wondrous Items
- Blessed Book(s) x 3 (1st book- 6,250gp; 2nd book- Found treasure per Xaos; 3rd book bought)
- Dust of Appearance (4 use)
- Pearl of Power (2nd level)
- Talisman of the Sphere (artifact)
- Marvelous Pigments (2 uses)
- Headband of Excellent Archmagery
- Eyeglasses of Darkvision and See Invisible
- Periapt of Wisdom +4
- Gloves of Dexterity (+6)
- Belt of Health +4/Strength +2
- Vest of Resistance +5
- Boots of Levitation
- Crimson Dragonhide Bracers +4 (natural armor & Fire resistance 5)
- Clear Ioun Stone (Sustenance)
- Ioun Stone (dusty rose prism) +1 insight bonus to AC
- Ioun Stone (orange prism) +1 caster level
- Handy Haversack
- Quill of Scribing
- Efficient Quiver
- Box of Cold Iron (immune to all magic, can suppress minor artifact & Sphere of Annihilation
- The Marvelous Nightingale of Queen Ehilissa. (left at base)
- Bag of Holding Type III
- Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds (3)- 2 carried by Isaac, 1 by Haplo
- Potions of Remove Blindness x2
- Potion of Gaseous Form x1
- Potion of Cure Serious x 2
- Scroll of multiple Spells (Hold Portal x2 CL-3; Detect Undead CL-2; Jump x2 CL-2; Nystrul's Magic Aura CL-4; True Strike x5 CL-1; Expeditious Retreat x2 CL-5)
- Scroll of Teleport (CL-9)
- Scroll of Multiple Spells - (Eagle's Spelndor x2 CL-3; Invisibility x2 CL-3; Magic Circle vs. Evil CL-3; Gentle Repose CL-3; Gaseous Form CL-3)
- Scoll of Dispel Magic x 1 (CL-11, taken from giants)
- Scroll: resist Cold, Acid, Sonics 10
- Scroll: Detect Poison x 4
- Scroll: Prot from evil x 4
- Scroll of time stop
- Scrolls of Sonorous Hum (3), caster level 10
- Scroll of Reaving Dispel, CL-20
- Scroll of Maze
- Scroll of Energy Drain
- Scroll of Call Marut
- Wand of Shield, CL-2 (50 c)
- Wand of Endure Elements (50 c)
- Wand of Detect Magic (21c)
- Wand of False Life (6c)
- Wand of Magic Missile (5th) (4c)
- Wand of Detect Secret Doors (18 c)
- Wand of Fireball (5th) (22 c)
- Wand of Lightning Bolt (5th) (4c) (for Nosnra-Sim)
- Wand of Magic Missile (7th) (8c)
- Wand of Summon Monster III .. 2812.5 gp to recharge (for Nosnra-Sim)
- Wand of Eagle's Splendor .... 1125 gp to recharge
- Wand of Enlarge Person ...... 187.5 gp to recharge
- Wand of fire trap (25)
- Wand of greater invisibility (20)
- Wand of fireball 10th (15)
- Wand of Dispel Magic 10th (30)
- Ring of Major Fire Resistance
- Ring of Protection (+5)
- Ring of Wizardry (I)
- Ring of Djinn Calling
- Ring of Elemental Command (Earth)
- ring of protection +4 (for Haplo)
- Rod of Enlarge Metamagic (lesser)
- Rod of Maximize Metamagic (lesser)
Weapons & Armor
- Large +1 Dagger of Venom (Nosnra-Sim can take)
- large mithril chain shirt +3 Twilight (Nosnra-Sim can use it)
- Quarterstaff (Kelder) (+1 weapon / +1 weapon) (Sheds light, Neutral Good, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 15, Ego 8, Speech (Common) and telepathy (wielder only), Darkvision (60 ft.) and hearing, Bless allies 3/day, Locate Object 3/day, Search 10 ranks)
+7 Mithril Chain Shirt, Twilight
Haplo Items
{*}Hat of Disguise Worn by Haplo, Isaac's Familiar (1800 gp)
{*}Leather Armor +1 Worn by Haplo (specially crafted for winged Small Humanoid) (1190 gp)
{*}Amulet of Fireballs Type III Worn by Haplo. (2700 gp)
(Carried by Haplo in backpack)
(3700 gp + 296 xp)
{*}Ring of Protection (+4)
Spells Bought
Spells bought to Learn (see spells known) (6600 gp)
Spell Focuses
(3600 total: 250 Mordekainen's Sword, 1500 Contingency, 1500 Analyze Dweomer, 200 Legend Lore, 150 Magic Jar), Leomund's Chest (found)
Expensive Spell Components
5625 total: 7500 ruby dust (Forcecage, Continual Flame, Simulcurium), 750 special incense (Legend Lore), 300 powdered jade (Permanent Image), 1000 special ointment (True Seeing), 1500 gp diamond dust (Nondetection, Stone Skin), 75 gold dust (Arcane Lock)
Mundane Items
1068 gp total Backpack (worn by Haplo, contians Bag of Holding); Winter Blanket x 2 (Bag of Holding); Candle x 4 (Haversack); Chain & Masterwork Manacles fitted with Good Lock (sized for medium creature) (Bag of Holding); Scrollcases x 50 (Haversack); Chalk x 10 (Haversack); Inkpen & Ink x 5 (Haversack); Everburning Torch (Bag of Holding); FIne Wine bottles x 5 & glasses (Bag of Holding); Tent (Bag of Holding); Journals x 2 (Bag of Holding); Waterskin (Bag of Holding); Rations x 20 (Bag of Holding); Spell COmponent Punches x 4 (1 at Isaac's belt, 3 in Haversack); Travel's Outfit x 2 (Bag of Holding); Courtier's Outfit (Bag of Holding); Artisan's Outfit (Bag of Holding); Wizard's Laboratory - 500 gp worth (Isaac's floor in the tower at Altendorf); Antitoxin (Haversack); Masterwork Painter's Tools (Bag of Holding); Paitner's Tools (Bag of Holding)
- Kethika's severed arm [[1]]
2217 gp unspent 26 xp over minimum for 15th level unused
Name: Haplo Small Outsider (Air, Extraplanar) Hit Dice: 19 for spell effects (66 hp) Alignment: Neutral Initiative: +7 Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 60 ft. (perfect) Armor Class: 30 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +11 natural, +3 armor, +2 ring), touch 14, flat-footed 24 Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+3 Attack: Claw +7 melee (1d3) Full Attack: 2 claws +7 melee (1d3) Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Breath weapon, spell-like abilities, summon mephit Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/magic, darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 2 Saves: Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +11 Abilities: Str 10, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 15
Skills: Craft: Visual Art +21, Concentration +20, Decipher Script +10, Diplomacy +9, Knowledge: Arcana +21, Knowledge: Architecture & Engineering +13, Knowledge: Dungeoneering +13, Knowledge: Geography +10, Knowledge: Nobility & Royalty +6, Knowledge: the Planes +19, Spellcraft +21, Bluff +8, Escape Artist +9, Hide +13, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4, Listen +6, Move Silently +9, Spot +6, Use Rope +3 (+5 with bindings)
Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative
Haplo is about 4 feet tall and weighs about 1 pound.
Haplo speaks all the same languages as Isaac.
Breath Weapon (Su): 15-foot cone of dust and grit, damage 1d8, Reflex DC 12 half. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +1 racial bonus.
Spell-Like Abilities: Once per hour Haplo can surround itself with vapor, duplicating the effect of a blur spell (caster level 3rd). Once per day it can use gust of wind (DC 14, caster level 6th) . The save DC is Charisma-based.
Fast Healing (Ex): An air mephit heals only if exposed to moving air, be it a breeze, a draft, a spell effect, or even the mephit fanning itself.
Special Grants Alertness to Isaac Share spells Empathic Link Deliver touch spells Spell Resistance 20 Isaac may scry on Haplo 1/day