Miera Flakefast
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Uldra Small Fey Base Speed 20 Darkvision 120' Low light vision
Knowledge nature is always a class skill, and they get +2 to checks
Cold Resistance 5
Cold touch: touch attack does 1 point of cold damage, or uldra can charge a melee weapon to do one extra point of cold damage. This cold damage does not stack
Spell-like abilities: Ray of Frost 3/day, speak with animals, touch of fatigue 1/day CL is HD, Wis is the DC mod.
Common and Sylvan. Speak language is always a class skills
Sorcerer 4/Druid 3/Arcane Hierophant 9 HD 4d4+3d8+9d6+64 (HP 154) Fort +14 Ref +9 Will +20 BAB: +10/+5
Str 10 Dex 12 Con 18 Int 12 Wis 18 Cha 18
Skills: Knowledge Arcana 9/+11, Concentration 19/+23, Spellcraft 8/+9, Knowledge Nature 19/+24, Survival 10/+16, Handle Animal 5/+9, Ride 10/+11 Language: Giant
Feats: Snow Runner(Use woodland stride through snow) Snow Casting (Use a handful of snow as a material component to add the cold descriptor to any spell)
Piercing Cold (Metamagic +1 level Cold spells ignore cold resistance, cold immune
creatures take 1/2 damage, or 1/4 on a save, cold subtypes just actually feel cold. Fire subtypes takes +100% damage) Cold Focus (+1 DC to spells with the cold descriptor), Greater Cold Focus (+1 DC to spells with the cold descriptor) Energy Substitution Fire.
Wild Shape 4/day (Large, Tiny, Plant) Animal Empathy, Trackless step, Woodland Stride, Nature Sense Channel Animal 4/day, Channel Plant 1/day
Companion Familiar:
Howl, Snowy Owl Tiny Magical Beast HD 9 HP: 81 AC 34 (+13 Natural +2 Size, +6 Dex +3 Deflection) Fort +9 Ref +15 Will +8 BAB: +9 Talon +15/+10 1d4-1
Str 9 Dex 22 Con 10 Int 12 Wis 14 Cha 4
Skills: Listen 8/+20, Move Silently 8/+28, Spot 8/+12 (+20 in shadowy areas), Knowledge Nature 6/+7
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Finesse, Multiattack, Improved Flight, Wingover, Improved Toughness
Empathic Link, share spells, improved evasion, devotion, deliver touch spells, speak with kind, speak with master, SR 21
Items: Ring of Protection +3, Amulet of natural armor +3, Vest of Resistance +3
Arcane Caster 13, Divine Caster 12
- +4 White Dragonhide breastplate, Wild
- Staff of Winter (25 charges)
- Staff of Fire (25 charges)
- Ring of Chameleon Power
- Ring of Protection +4 with wild clasps
- Amulet of Natural Armor +5 with wild clasps
- Cloak of Resistance +3 with wild clasps
- Chaos Diamond
- +1 Scimitar
- +2 light wood shield