Star Wars 4000 Years After Yavin

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Welcome to the Star Wars: AFTER YAVIN campaign wiki.
With the Campaign idea beginning on December 16th 2007, this wiki site is a resource for a face-to-face tabletop fantasy role-playing game using the Star Wars Setting 4000 years After Yavin for the Star Wars Saga System. This site is a wiki which is a web page that can be edited by anyone with surfing the web! The goal of this wiki site is to form a repository of information about our game that is easily accessible and editable to the entire game group. A "campaign series bible".

Bluebooking: an explanation on RPG bluebooking, and how we can use it for Midnight. NOTE: Between sessions the maximum xp award for Bluebooking will be 500xp.
A bluebook form: Midnight RPG - Chapter 00.000

the Campaign Connections
Wookiepedia: A fansite OGL info resource for Midnight.
Group's Yahoo Discussion: This is where the group actively discusses game events, recaps as well as the planning of game gatherings and general group chit chat.

Episode XX

It is a period of darkness rescinding.
The first generation to achieve interstellar travel since the ends of the LOST AGES has
come to a close.

Galactic ships, venturing out amid unfamiliar stars, havebegun to reestablish a select few ancient HYPERSPACE BEACONS.
The galactic databanks of the Ancient Republic Spacelane Bureau were
lost or compromised in the aftermath of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion so long ago.

4,000 years past, one hundred planets were chosen for worldshaping.
Yuuzhan Vong Shapers, accompanied by Jedi, set to work, and at first the
results were wondrous to behold. But numerous Alliance member worlds, whose
populations still nursed bitter memories of the Vong invasion would soon see their fears

Following the The Sith-Imperial War the Vong's crusade to cleanse all that is of any form of
mechanical technology plunged the Galaxy into a time of great darkness. The Vong's legacy poisoned each terra-formed world's databank systems. This quickly spread from world to world
corrupting any computer it could find. Thus the Lost Ages began, this tactic of SCORCHED-INTELLECT
brought about a galactic dark age. It would be 200 generations before worlds found ways to reconnect, to
combat this data-plague.

Emerging from the lushly forested opulent "core" world of Tatooine, the remnants of the Old Galactic Alliance
have embarked on an ambitious new reclamation plan to restore hyperspace beacons, aspiring to reunify the galaxy
lost. Having long since reverted to a state similar to that of the Hundred-Year Darkness, always tight on supplies and
struggling to stay one step ahead of the data-plague, xenophobia, and pirates, you are excavators of the lost galaxy.
Your goal... to venture into the Unknown Regions to find a new hope. The force is but religious myth in this time of naive
ignorance. You are crusaders. You are archeologists. You are questing knights. You are myth finders.

These are the new tales of the Jedi, the Knights of the Alliance . . . .

The Opening Crawl
Opening Crawl Movie texts
Star Wars Galaxy at Wikipedia

Make the jump to lightspeed 4,000 years after the Battle of Yavin to a time when the galaxy rebuilds from the long loss of the Lost Times (a Dark Age) where the rebirth of the Jedi Knights and Sith Lords clash in galactic conflict. This campaign guide offers both players and Gamemasters a wide array of new options that can be used to craft a unique roleplaying game experience. As the galaxy plunges into one war after another, the forces of the Republic, along with their Jedi allies, struggle to protect themselves from hordes of invading Mandalorians, tyrannical Sith lords, and traitorous allies on every front.

[XP Rewards]
??? ??? ??? ???


Template:SW-in-universe Template:Otheruses3 The Star Wars galaxy is the fictional setting for the Star Wars franchise. It is referred to in several official publications as the Galaxy or the Known Galaxy.

It is unofficially referred as the Galaxy, Far Far Away (GFFA for short) by the fan community due to the opening crawl from the beginning of each Star Wars film, which contains the line “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....”.

Several unofficial sources state that the length of the Star Wars galaxy is 120,000 light-years across and contains 400 billion stars, half of which can support life, and 25 million sentient species in the galaxy.Template:Fact

Galactic divisions

The Galaxy is divided concerning the type of life it holds and the distance from the core as well as the trade in each.

The Core

The Core can be divided into three regions: The Deep Core, the Core Worlds and the Colonies (sometimes considered a separate region).

Deep Core

Map of the Galaxy Far, Far Away

The Deep Core is at the center of the galaxy, even closer than the Core Worlds like Coruscant and Alderaan.

It has countless stars packed together in a relatively small area, so hyperspace travel is slow and dangerous. The intense radiation and relatively young stars mean that it has very few habitable worlds compared to the rest of the galaxy. The few known worlds of the Deep Core include Byss (whereto the disembodied consciousness of Emperor Palpatine fled after his death at the Battle of Endor, according to Expanded Universe literature), Khomm, Ruan, and the Empress Teta system. The Koornacht Cluster is one particularly dense area of stars, located at the edge of the Deep Core bordering on the Core Worlds, and contains numerous planets including N'Zoth, the homeworld of the Yevetha. The moon Ebaq 9 was the setting for a major battle during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, resulting in a New Republic victory following the successful execution of a trap for the Yuuzhan Vong.

Core Worlds

The Core Worlds are the known worlds, or planetary systems, that are near the core of the Star Wars galaxy. The core worlds are the richest, most populated worlds in the Star Wars Galaxy, and it was the Core Worlds that first formed the Old Republic. Coruscant is by far the most important of the Core worlds and is said to be the source of the first humans. However, there are numerous other worlds which can be found in this dense region of the galaxy.

The Core Worlds contain millions of systems, including Coruscant, Alderaan, Corellia, Chandrila, Thyferra, Kuat, Nubia, and Duro. Less dense than the Deep Core, the Core Worlds are the center of commerce and society in the galaxy as they lie on the intersection of the many great hyperspace lanes. The Colonies include Commenor, Cato Neimoidia, and Bilbringi, as well as numerous other worlds which have served as stage for the great Galactic Civil War in the fight between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance.


The Colonies were some of the first planets settled outside the Core Worlds by the Republic, especially the region known as "The Slice", defined by the edges of the Perlemian Trade Route and the Corellian Run. There were also Worlds in the Colonies that were founding members of the Republic. After 25,000 years, the worlds are almost as influential as the Core, being just as industrialized and with firmly established cultures, with many worlds supporting vast shipyard complexes. Important manufacturing planets are Fondor, where the Super Star Destroyer Executor was built, and Balmorra, a major TIE producer. Manaan is home to the Selkath, who harvest and export kolto across the galaxy. Arkania is home to the Arkanians, a near Human species skilled at genetics and cybernetics. Mrlsst, home of the Mrlssi, is a famous university world also located in the Colonies. Many of Kuat Drive Yards' factory worlds are located here, as are the Neimoidian purse worlds, Neimoidia, Cato Neimoidia, Deku Neimoidia, and Koru Neimoidia.

During the Galactic Civil War, the Empire ruthlessly controlled the region. After the death of Emperor Palpatine, the region was liberated by the New Republic.

Outer Territories

Inner Rim

The Inner Rim is the section of the galaxy between the Colonies and the Expansion Region. Some planets in this galactic ring include Rendili, and Rodia. During the growth of the Republic, the Inner Rim was colonized after the Colonies region, and was then known simply as "The Rim". Later, the Expansion Region was opened up to colonization. A sudden boom after this led to the establishment of two more regions, the Mid Rim and Outer Rim, and saw the "Rim" renamed as the Inner Rim.

Expansion Region

The Expansion Region is precisely what it sounds like; it is territory colonized during a sudden expansion from the Inner Rim territories. During most of the Old Republic, it was considered a vast field of raw materials. The Empire treated the Expansion Region as an area to obtain slaves, and strip-mined the entire belt of worlds. Mandalore, Nkllon, and Kalarba are planets located within this region.

Mid Rim

The Mid Rim is a galactic ring located between the Outer Rim and Inner Rim/Expansion Regions. On the border of the division lies Nam Chorios and the Meridian Sector. Other planets in the area include Naboo, Ithor, and Ord Mantell. Not long after the Battle of Endor, most of it was seized by the Imperial warlord Admiral Teradoc.

Outer Rim

Template:Main The Outer Rim Territories is the outermost part of the explored portion of the Star Wars galaxy. During the long period of the Galactic Republic, the Outer Rims were very isolated; this is due to many uncharted regions and planets, untouched for countless centuries. Because of this isolation from other worlds, it became a breeding ground for criminals. Seen in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, the Galactic Empire's presence is made known in the area. This region was free of Imperial control, though this usually meant criminal lords like Jabba the Hutt had free reign. Outer Rim worlds include Taris, Dantooine, Tatooine, Yavin, Hoth, Endor, Dagobah, Xagobah, Bakura Ryloth, Bogden Kamino and many others. The Death Star was created to reign in the Outer Rim, as was Grand Moff Tarkin's jurisdiction.

Wild Space

Wild Space is on the frontier of the known galaxy, and is the blurred edge separating civilization from the Unknown Regions. Planets in this region lie so far from the galactic centers of power that they are virtually ignored. Very few people have ventured into Wild Space and into the Unknown Regions. Technically speaking, Wild Space extends beyond the galaxy in some areas. Outbound Flight, a Jedi project to explore realms beyond the known galaxy, crossed through Wild Space en route to the Unknown Regions.

Unknown Regions

The Unknown Regions lie beyond the region known as Wild Space. They are uncharted by any of the known galactic powers.

After the Mandalorian War, Revan and Malak led a fifth of the Republic fleet, claiming to be searching for more Mandalorians, into this region. It should be noted that these regions were considered unknown at the time, but were later included in the outer rim because the "unknown" regions are only uncharted regions for the given time. The fleet vanished for months and was presumed lost. Later the fleet returned with ships of alien design and started attacking the Republic. This led to the start of the Jedi Civil War. After the Jedi Civil War, Revan fled into these unknown regions again and has not returned since. It is rumored he went to fight the true Sith. Little is known of where he went or when Revan will return, but many are waiting. The Jedi Exile went to the Unknown Regions 5 years later to help Revan with this task. The fate of the two Jedi remains unknown, though Jedi Master Kreia remarked that the "true Sith" lay in this area, and were presumably hostile to the rest of the galaxy at the time.

Csilla, home to the Chiss, is one of the only known inhabited planets in the Unknown Regions. The Chiss Grand Admiral, Thrawn, was tasked by Emperor Palpatine to lead a pacification mission into the Unknown Regions, a duty that Thrawn carried out until five years after the Emperor's death. Furthermore, the ancient insectoid Killik race inhabits this region of space; their territory borders Chiss space. Rakata Prime, the Rakatan homeworld, is also located in the Unknown Regions. Another species that seems to live in the Unknown Regions are the Vagaari. The Ssi-Ruuvi Imperium also lies in the Unknown Regions.

In the New Jedi Order book series, the living planet of Zonama Sekot flees into the Unknown Regions after being attacked by the "far outsiders" (Yuuzhan Vong). The Jedi find record of the planet's travels after extensive searching, and the Jedi Luke Skywalker leads a team of other Jedi to search for the world in the Unknown Regions; record shows it repelled the Yuuzhan Vong in the past and the Jedi now seek a new ally to help once again thwart the invading Yuuzhang Vong. They eventually are successful and persuade the living planet to attempt a hazardous return to known space.



Template:Main As of the Emperor's New Order, a constellation of 50 or more planetary systems is defined as a Sector. Sectors of Note include (followed by a notable system or planet):

Also see Sectors of Star Wars and Systems of Star Wars

Political areas

Other minor political areas include:

Bothan Space — A region between the Mid Rim and Outer Rim, which is home to the Bothan race. The capital of Bothan Space is Bothawui. The Caamas incident, involving the genocide of the planet Caamas, took place in this region.

Hutt Space — A region in the Outer Rim Territories, which is controlled by criminal gangsters known as the Hutts. It was subjugated by the Yuuzhan Vong during their invasion after the Hutts attempted to double-cross them. The space is composed of planets such as Nal Hutta and Ylesia. The Y'toub system is the location of both Nal Hutta, and the Smuggler's Moon, Nar Shaddaa. It is surrounded by the planets Bimmisaari, Kubindi, Kessel, Honoghr, Barabi and Gamorr. The Tion Cluster is the right and Bothan Space to the left.

Corporate Sector Authority — The government of a free enterprise fiefdom known as the Corporate Sector that was formed in 490 BBY to free the Republic lawmakers and the Corporate moneymakers from their differences. During the height of Emperor Palpatine's rule of the galaxy, the Corporate Sector Authority comprised 30,000 star systems. Shortly after the battle of Hoth, the Corporate Sector found it profitable to develop technologies for the Rebel Alliance. At a research space station called Pondunt, Corporate Sector scientists created the Mag Pulse warhead. This warhead could temporarily neutralize the weapon systems on an enemy ship. They then handed the Mag Pulse over to the Rebels, who in turn used it in a raid at an Imperial Research space station. A Rebel B-Wing carrying the warhead was captured in the fight. An analysis of the Mag Pulse traced its origins to the Corporate Sector. Emperor Palpatine dispatched Grand Admiral Zaarin to capture the Pondunt station, seize the Mag Pulse schematics, and thereby teach the Corporate Sector a lesson. The Imperial raid was a success, and afterwards relations between the Corporate Sector and the Galactic Empire were very strained. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, the Corporate Sector isolated itself from the Galaxy.

Tion Hegemony — Also known as the Ancient and Honorable Union of the Tion Hegemony, this sector of the Tion Cluster is a collection of 27 star systems. It is far from the Core Worlds, but embraces some of the oldest and most ancient human civilizations in the galaxy. As time went on, the Hegemony lost power, but it remained the breadbasket of the Tion, providing foodstuffs for all three of the Tion's sectors.

Cronese Mandate — A small government within the galaxy.

Hapes Consortium — A female-dominated alliance of sixty-three worlds. It originated as a base for pirates and privateers, but soon turned into a high class society with elegant ship designs and sprawling cities. The chief of state is the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother is also head of the royal family. It is the task of the prince to find a wife who will give birth to the next Queen Mother.

Ssi-Ruuk Star Cluster — Also known as the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium, this cluster of planets was inhabited by the technologically-advanced Ssi-Ruuk. It is located beyond the Outer Rim.

The Centrality — An independent government in a large and remote region of space nestled between Hutt Space and the Cron Drift. It was an empty region lacking many stable hyperspace routes, with areas so devoid of systems that some travelers would run out of fuel before finishing their journeys even halfway.

Imperial Remnant — The remainder of the Galactic Empire that came about following the Bastion Accords that ended the Galactic Civil War. Its capital of Bastion, located deep in the Outer Rim.


Other areas

Star Wars covers numerous space anomalies and locations, such as nebulas, asteroids, clusters, and black holes. Minor star clusters include the Aramand, located within Brak Sector; and Koornacht, a Deep Core cluster featuring the planet of J'p'tan. The Tion Cluster, located near the Cron Drift in the Outer Rim territories, is home to Sienar Fleet Systems and the planets Lianna, Dellalt, and Rhen Var. It has a rich history with the Jedi Order, and was one of the choke points during the Clone Wars.

Asteroids are also commonplace in the Star Wars setting. Cairn is an Outer Rim asteroid that was once a base of operations for the Imperial Remnant, before being conquered by the New Republic. Kyle Katarn visits the asteroid in the game Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast.

Various nebulas exist throughout the galaxy, serving as plot devices and scenery for the stories. The Cowl Crucible is a minor nebula located between Lahara and Oricho Sectors. The Dragonflower Nebula, on the other hand, plays a central plot role. It is located near and around the Gamorrean colony world of Pzob in the Outer Rim. Site of the Imperial battlemoon Eye of Palpatine until it undertook its mission to Belsavis eight years after the Battle of Endor. Finally, the Spangled Veil Nebula (from the Meridian Sector) and the Nyarikan Nebula (near Garos IV and Sundari) round out the list of nebulas.

There are several other points throughout the Star Wars galaxy. The Maw is an unstable and almost completely unnavigable cluster of black holes located near the planet Kessel. The Maw was the site of Grand Moff Tarkin's Maw Installation, which built the Death Star superweapon, among others. The Rishi Maze is a satellite galaxy located beyond the frontier of the main galactic disk. Finally, Tingel Arm is a region of the Corporate Sector that extends off of one of the galaxy's "arms".

Numerous artificial landmarks and stellar arrangements also appear in the saga's various storylines. Lupalnia Satellite Moons is a collection of artificial moons created by the Empire, located on the outer rim, to monitor the nearby planets. Stenness Node is a collection of seven mining worlds in three star systems located in the Colonies region. There are 25 humanoid species, who collectively are often referred to as 'Nessies. Due to the demand for the ores mined, Stenness Node was given its own hyperspace jump very early on. While the mines are played out now, the wealth generated still provides good lifestyles for the planets' inhabitants, who are highly addicted to spice.


Various established 'ways' pass through the sectors.

Trade and hyperspace routes

The Sisar Run is one of the most minor trade routes in the galaxy. On the other hand, the Corellian Run is large, originating in the Corellian System and ending somewhere in Wild Space. Another route that starts in Corellia is the Corellian Trade Spine, which crosses the Rimma Trade Route at Yag'Dhul, and branches into the Ison Trade Corridor in the Outer Rim. The Hydian Way also begins at Corellia, intersects the Perlemain Trade Route at Brentaal, and snakes up the Tingel Arm to its termination in the Corporate Sector.

The Ison Trade Corridor is a lightly populated minor trade route in the Outer Rim of the Star Wars galaxy. It branches off from the Corellian Trade Spine and passes through such backwater planets as Varonat, Bespin, Hoth, and Ison before meeting back up with the trade spine. Additionally, the Perlemian Trade Route is a major hyperspace corridor. Beginning at Coruscant, it crosses the Hydian Way at Brentaal and ends in the Outer Rim in between the Corporate Sector and the Tion Cluster.

The Rimma Trade Route rounds out the major trade routes of Star Wars. It was initially established by Tapani Sector merchants around 5,500 BBY. It begins in the Core worlds near Fondor, intersects the Corellian Trade Spine at Yag'Dhul, and travels through Sullust and Sluis Van before its end, in the Kathol Sector.

Kessel Run

The Kessel Run is a pathway from planet Kessel used frequently by smugglers in the transport of precious Glitterstim spice.

A well-known but confusing description of the Kessel Run is made by Han Solo in A New Hope when he boasts to have made the run with the Millennium Falcon in "less than twelve parsecs." A parsec is a unit of distance, not a measure of time or speed. Some have explained this apparent error by postulating the presence of a black hole cluster (The Maw) close to Kessel, which is used by pilots to shorten the distance of the run. Indeed, Lucas reveals in the DVD commentary of A New Hope that Solo was referring to distance. Lucas points out that a shorter distance traveled results in a shorter time. In the Star Wars galaxy, he explains, racers of the Kessel Run had the goal of plotting the shortest distance through space in order to reach this shorter time.

According to Expanded Universe literature, navigating the Maw black hole cluster is extremely hazardous. Ships making runs must take long complex courses to avoid the dangerous singularities and gravity distortions of the cluster. However, it is speculated that Solo brazenly shaved by the gravity wells, thus achieving a run under a distance of 12 parsecs where a safer route would be much longer. This shorter run, by necessity, would require a faster ship than more circuitious routes, since a slower ship would not be able to resist the gravitational pull of the closer black-holes.

The question of whether Solo was boasting about the speed of his ship, or his skillful abilities at piloting is still debated amongst fans. One could also look at the wording of the quote and consider Solo may have been mentioning another aspect of the Falcon's fame that is unrelated to its speed - that she earned prestige for surviving a dangerous short-distanced Kessel Run, as well as being "fast".

A more straightforward explanation is that George Lucas, in writing the script, did not remember or realize that parsecs are not time measurements. According to some sources, Lucas did realize this, but wished to portray Han Solo as an absent-minded braggart who simply did not know what he was talking about.Template:Fact The bemused reactions of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker to Han's quip suggest that this could be the case.

Story eras

  • The Old Republic (25,000 BBY - 1,000 BBY)

The Old Republic was the government that united the Star Wars galaxy under the rule of the Galactic Senate. In this era, the Jedi are numerous, and serve as guardians of peace and justice. The Tales of the Jedi comics series takes place in this era, chronicling the immense wars fought by the Jedi of old, and the ancient Sith.

  • The Rise of the Empire (1,000 BBY - 0 BBY)

After the seemingly final defeat of the Sith, the Republic enters a state of complacency. In the waning years of the Republic, the senate was rife with corruption and scandal, and saddled with a bureaucracy so immense that effective governing was nearly impossible. The ambitious Senator Palpatine caused himself to be elected Supreme Chancellor, and promised to reunite the galaxy under a New Order. The prequel trilogy takes place during this era.

  • The Rebellion (0 BBY - 5 ABY)

An outcry of resistance begins to spread across the galaxy in protest to the new Empire's tyranny. Cells of Rebellion fight back, and the Galactic Civil War begins. This era begins with the Rebel victory that secured the Death Star plans, and ends a year after the death of the Emperor high over the forest moon of Endor. The Rebellion starts to reform itself into a body of government, first as the Alliance of Free Planets, and later the New Republic. The original trilogy takes place during this era.

  • The New Republic (5 ABY - 25 ABY)

Having defeated the Empire at the Battle of Endor, the Rebel Alliance must now transform itself from a militant resistance force into a functioning galactic government. As Imperial territory is reclaimed, the New Republic suffers growing pains, having to fend off insurrections, Imperial loyalists, and wayward warlords. Also, Luke Skywalker, the last of the Jedi, begins training apprentices, rebuilding the Jedi order.

  • The New Jedi Order (25 ABY - 36 ABY)

The Jedi Knights are now a hundred strong. The New Republic has signed a peace treaty with what little remains of the Empire. The galaxy is finally enjoying a peaceful respite from decades of war. It's at this time that a horrible alien menace invades the Republic from beyond known space. The Yuuzhan Vong lay waste to entire worlds in their scourge, as depicted in the novels of The New Jedi Order.Five years later the galaxy goes through the events of the Dark Nest Trilogy. The novels detail how Luke Skywalker and his New Jedi Order confront the mysterious insectoid Killiks, who are a hive-minded species intent on conquering the Galaxy.

  • Legacy (40 ABY - 137+ ABY)

Having reached peace with the Yuuzhan Vong, the newly formed Galactic Federation of Free Alliance struggles to keep itself working as a single government. But many threats from inside are joined by a danger that comes from the remains of the Dark Side. The new Jedi order created by Luke Skywalker faces a new era as the heirs of the Skywalker legacy grow up. Jacen Solo, perhaps the wisest of that new order, is now Ben Skywalker's master, and together they will have to confront the new powers willing to destroy the Jedi, the Galactic Federation and, maybe, the galaxy. The Legacy era continues in a series of comics that debuted in May 2006 entitled "Star Wars: Legacy".




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