Free Adventures
A listing of various free adventures available on the Internet. For adventures hosted on the wiki itself, see Short_Adventures.
Blue Rose adventures
Blue Rose Fast Play - official sample adventure for Blue Rose
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer adventures
Thirty Buffy episodes - based on Elvis' #1 songs
Call of Cthulhu adventures
Tales of Terror - scenarios for Call of Cthulhu and other games
Feng Shui adventures
Fortress of Shadows adventures - Feng Shui adventures
Castle Falkenstien adventures
The Glass Mountain - an adventure for Castle Falkenstein.
The Tomb of the Forgotten Pharaoh - an unofficial adventure for Castle Falkenstien, set in Egypt. Goes with the Egypitan Sourcebook.
Cyberpunk adventures
Loving the Dead - for Cyberpunk 2020, GURPS Cyberpunk, or Cyberspace
D&D adventures
WotC Adventure Archive - a large collection of downloadable D&D adventures.
Deadlands adventures
Discworld adventures
Watch Academy VI: Hogswatchnight - a Discworld adventure in GURPS and Over the Edge by Michael Cule
Exalted adventures
The City of Mist and Winter - a short scenario set in the north of Creation. (PDF file)
The Tomb of Five Corners - the official introductory adventure for Exalted. (PDF file)
Feudal Japan adventures
Lady Mijiko's Holiday - for GURPS Japan, AD&D Oriental Adventures, Bushido, or Runequest: Land of Ninja
In Nomine adventures
Kult adventures
Mutants and Masterminds
The Heist - Official introductory adventure set in the Freedom City Setting.
Seeds of Destruction - An official con adventure.
Pendragon adventures
Adventure of the Knight Sinister
Vampire: The Masquerade adventures
Tervel's Haven - for GURPS V:tM
Warhammer adventures
Eureka Short WFRP Adventure - Eureka - A short official WFRP Adventure