Do Not Go Gentle: Godhammer

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Biographical Details

Alias: Godhammer

Name: Jurgen Reuben

Date of Birth: July 3rd 1914

Character Notes:

Considered to be the original Ubermensche, Godhammer was also one of the Nazi Party's greatest successes. Originally a Luftwaffe pilot, Jurgen was amongst the first wave of volunteers for the Ubermensche program. Over a thousand volunteers died in the "First Wave" of experiments, but Jurgen survived, and was amongst the first of the Nazi Superheroes.

During the war, his face was found on many a propaganda poster. Conversely, his defeat in combat in 1943 was the first of many defeats for the Germans. The official story was that he was killed in a one on one duel with Alpha Soldier, but the truth (buried in classified records) is a little more complex...


Special Powers


Original concept ("Megaman") by Dave . Edited for use by Asklepios