PrometheusProject:Main Page
The Prometheus Project is a user created campaign setting that centers around the emergence of city states during the Bronze Age in several different fictional cultural areas. There will be a standard format of information. Each area would have its own common language, agricultural practices etc., but each city state would have its own God, laws, temples, military, currency, weights and measure, trade practices etc. Once all the basic background for each city state has been created (which might take a long while) it could be further developed by jumping ahead 500 years (an Iron Age setting) or so and give background on how the city states were united into one kingdom and the current political situation. If this weren't enough I would also eventually like to do version of these kingdoms being merged into an Empire by force of arms.
While ancient Greek, Sumerian, Egyptian (and other) sources could and would serve as an invaluable source of information on ancient city states what I would really like is to produce, or I should say, help produce something original. The Prometheus Project does not use any one game system or engine, it is a generic setting. As such stats and material from copyrighted games should not be included.
Region 1
Region 2
Region 3: Ilkara
Region 4
Region 5
Region 6: Aertepia
Region 7
Region 8
Region 9: The Jhera Valley