Jack Illaster
Jack Illaster: Character in Those Who Hunt Dragons
( OOC Thread])
- Jack Illaster
- Lawful Good Human Sorcerer 7/Abjurant Champion 3
- Experience:
Ability | Score | Modifier |
Strength | 14 | +2 |
Dexterity | 18 | +4 |
Constitution | 14 | +2 |
Intelligence | 12 | +1 |
Wisdom | 12 | +1 |
Charisma | 20 | +5 |
- Hit Points: 78
- Hit Points: 108 Bite of the Wereboar
- Initiative: +3,
- Speed: 40 ft (run x4),
- AC: 20 (+6 defense, +4 dex), touch 14, flat-footed 20
- AC: 28 (+6 defense, +4 dex, +8 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 28 (Bite of the Wereboar)
- Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +11,
- Fort +10 (Bite of the Wereboar)
Base Attack Bonus/Grapple: +8/+10,
- +11/+6 One-handed (1d8+3; 19-20, x2, Longsword)
- +13/+8 One-Handed (1d8+5; 19-20, x2, Longsword) (Bite of the Wereboar)
- +12 One-handed ranged touch (Various, Ray)
Skill | Ranks | Ability | Modifier | Misc | Total |
Concentration | 13 | Con | +2 | 0 | +15 |
Intimidate | 13 | Chr | +5 | 0 | +18 |
Knowledge(arcana) | 13 | Int | +0 | +1 | +14 |
Spellcraft) | 13 | Int | +1 | 0 | +14 |
Languages: Common, Draconic
- Versatile Spellcaster) (1st Level, RDr 101)
- Combat Casting (1st Level Bonus)
- Martial Weapon Proficiency: Longsword (1st Level Bonus)
- Sudden Maximize (3rd Level, CAr 83)
- Split Ray (+2 Levels) (6th Level, CAr 83)
- Extra Slot: 4th Level (9th Level, CAr 79)
Class Features
- Metamagic Specialist: You can apply metamagic feats that you know to sorcerer spells without increasing the casting time, 4 times/Day.
- Abjurant Armor (Su): Any time you cast an abjuration spell that grants you an armor bonus or shield bonus to AC, you can add your abjurant champion level to the bonus.
- Extended Abjuration (Su): The duration of your abjuration spells are doubled.
- Swift Abjuration (Su): You can cast first and second level abjuration as a swift action.
- 1st Level 6/day, DC: 15
- Shield
- Ray of Enfeeblement
- True Strike
- Ray of Clumsiness (SC 166)
- 1d6+5 Dex Damage, 10 minutes.
- 2nd Level 6/day, DC: 16
- Stolen Breath (SC 207)
- Target is sickened (no save) for 1 minute; may take full-round action to end effect.
- Ray of Weakness (SC 168)
- -2 on Attack rolls, speed reduced by 10', 10 minutes.
- Resist Energy
- Stolen Breath (SC 207)
- 3rd Level 6/day, DC: 17
- Ray of Dizziness (SC 167)
- Move OR Standard action, 10 rnds.
- AntiDragon Aura (SC)
- 5 subjects, +3 Luck to AC and saves vs. dragons, 20 minutes.
- Ray of Dizziness (SC 167)
- 4th Level 6/day, DC: 18
- 5th Level 3/day, DC: 19
- Bite of the Wereboar (SC 28)
- +4 Str, +6 Con, +8 Natural Armor, Bite for 1d8+6 damage, gain Blind-Fight feat. 10 rnds.
- Bite of the Wereboar (SC 28)
- Empowered Spellshard: Ray of Enfeeblement (1,500 GP, MiC 96)
- Empowered Spellshard: Ray of Clumsiness (1,500 GP, MiC 96)
- Cloak of Charisma +4 and Resistance +2 (20,000 GP)
- +1 Dragonbane Longsword (8,000 GP)
- Boots of Striding, Springing, and Translocation (7,600 GP, MiC 71)
- Hellcat Gauntlets of Dexterity +2 (7,200 GP, MiC 111)
- Healing Belt (750 GP, MiC 110)
- Potion of Fly, 2 (1,500 GP)
- 1950 GP
- Age: 24
- Height: 6'3"
- Weight: 170 lbs.
Tall and muscular, with close cropped blond hair, Jack actually looks the part of a hero. He doesn't act it; he's generally distant and aloof, and actively avoids any kind of accolades.
In what he thinks of as his "dragonform" (Bite of the Wearboar) his skin becomes red and scaled, and his face elongates into the fanged snout of a dragon.
Jack's had the dream for a long as he could remember.
He's flying, wings flapping lazily, approaching a town. He can hear the screams when they see him, smell their fear, see their frantic scurrying about. Arrows bounce harmless off his scales as he circles, feeling the hear within him steadily build.
The town burns beautifully; it's like a sunset.
And then he wakes, the taste of charred flesh in his mouth.
The dream's been different these past few years, since he joined the others. Since he became a dragonhunter. Now he's fighting the dragon, each and every night. The dragon that is, somehow, himself.
He always loses. But with each loss, each time he burns, he learns a little more about his foe....