Orok Fang-tearer

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Back to: Those Who Hunt Dragons
Image source: WotC Monster Manual 5 art gallery
Orok in his days before losing his tribe and becoming a Dragon Devourer; in this image he has none of the red, scaly skin, claws, or projected fang-filled muzzle that he now bears. The picture does however give some indication of the verve and power inherent in him even before the beginning of his transformation. It's not hard to see how he became cheiftain of the Fangsmash orcs...


Race: Orc
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral

Height: 6'10"
Weight: 438lb
Hair: Black, thick, and matted
Skin: Grey, but leathery, cracked, and with iron-hard dark red scales
Eyes: Blood red

Levels: Duskblade* 1/Orc Paragon 3/Barbarian 1/Dragon Disciple (Red) 5

XP Total: 45000
XP for next: 55000


Str 34 (18 base +4 race +6 class +2 level +4 enhancement) [+12], 40 when raging [+15]
Dex 10 (10 base) [+0]
Con 16 (16 base) [+3], 22 when raging [+6]
Int 12 (14 base -2 race) [+1]
Wis 8 (10 base -2 race) [-1]
Cha 6 (8 base -2 race) [-2]


AC 23 (+2 natural, +7 class defense, +1 deflection, +3 shield) [19 when raging]
HP 1d8+3d10+6d12+30 (140) [170 when raging]

Fort +12 (11 base +3 Con +2 resistance -1 trait -3 flaw) [+15 when raging]
Ref +7 (2 base +0 Dex +2 resistance +1 trait +2 feat)
Will +10 (9 base -1 Wis +2 resistance) [+12 when raging]


BAB +8/+3
Grapple +20 [+23 when raging]

  • Greatsword +21/+16 (2d6+19, 19-20/x2) and bite +15 (1d6+6)

w/ Rage and Power Attack 2: Greatsword +22/+17 (2d6+29, 19-20/x2) and bite +16 (1d6+11)

  • 2 claws +20 (1d4+12) and bite +15 (1d6+6)
  • Javelin +9 ranged 30' (1d6+12)


  • Musclebound (+1 on Str- and Str-based checks, -2 on Dex- and Dex-based checks)
  • Twitchy (+1 Ref, -1 Fort)


Meager Fortitude (-3 Fort)


F Lightning Reflexes
1 Power Attack
3 Reckless Rage*
6 Leap Attack*
9 Extra Rage*


Knowledge (arcana) +9 (8 ranks +1 Int)
Jump +31 (13 ranks, +12 Str, +4 speed, +2 competence, -1 ACP, +1 trait)
Sense Motive +8 (9 ranks -1 Wis)
Speak Language (1 rank)

Languages: Common, Orc, Goblin, Draconic


Arcane Attunement 4/day
Armoured Mage (light)
Spells (3/7 per day, CL 1, DC 11+level, known: 0- acid splash, ray of frost, disrupt undead; 1- true strike, swift expeditious retreat)
Darkvision 90'
No light sensitivity
Elf Slayer (+2 weapon dmg vs elves)
Faster Movement +10'
Rage 3/day (+6 Str, +6 Con, +2 Will, -4 AC)
Claws (1d4) and bite (1d6)
Blindsense 30'
Breath Weapon 1/day (30' cone of fire, 2d8 damage, Reflex DC18 half)


+1 dragonbane greatsword (8650)
Vest of Resistance +2 (4000)
Ring of Protection +1 (2000)
Belt of Giant Strength +4 (16000)
Armbands of Might* (4100)
Ancestor Ghost Shield (+1 animated darkwood shield) (9257)
2 MW javelins (602)
Steadfast Boots* (1400)
Brute Gauntlets* (500)
Cloak of Predatory Vigour* (1400)
Potion of Cure Light Wounds, 2 (100)
Potion of Cure Serious Wounds (750)



  • Duskblade (class): PHBII, p19
  • Reckless Rage (feat): Races of Stone, p143
  • Leap Attack (feat): Complete Adventurer, p110
  • Extra Rage (feat): Complete Warrior, p98
  • Armbands of Might (item): MIC, p72
  • Steadfast Boots (item): MIC, p168
  • Brute Gauntlets (item): MIC, p83
  • Cloak of Predatory Vigour (item): MIC, p87