Rise of the Runelords

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Revision as of 03:05, 16 June 2008 by Moxiane (talk | contribs) (Permitted Classes)
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A Pathfinder adventure path for D&D 3.5
run by Moxiane

Beneath the sleepy town of Sandpoint the remnants of a 10,000 year old evil begins to stir. These first rumblings already caused much pain and death and will cause yet more, with only a small band of heroes chosen by Fate standing in between the ancient land of Varisia and the return of its long-departed masters, the Runelords of Thassilon.

Permitted Classes & Races

  • Base Classes
    • All base classes from the Player's Handbook.
    • Scout from Complete Adventurer.
    • Warlock from Complete Arcane.
    • Favoured Soul from Complete Divine.
    • Hexblade from Complete Warrior.
    • Warblade from Tome of Battle: Book of Nine Swords.
  • Prestige Classes
    • All prestige classes from the Dungeon Master's Guide.
    • All non-NPC only prestige classes from Pathfinder products.
    • Others when I have trawled through my books
  • All races from the Player's Handbook.
  • Aasimar
  • Tiefling


I intend to run Rise ofthe Runelords online via IRC on the magicstar server. The tactical map will be handled by gametable, or by MapTool if I can get the damn thing to work.


Play Logs