Mano a Mano Fantasy RPG:Trolls

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Trolls are magical humanoid creatures who can appear human or partly human like elves, except that the appearance of trolls is even more variable and tends to be a bit less human.

Trolls that resemble humans, are often changelings raised by unsuspecting mortal parents whose real children are changelings raised by trolls.
Cave Trolls
Cave Trolls are bulky creatures that live in caves and mountains, and often resemble their rocky native environment. Cave trolls only venture outside after dark and fear the light. Strangely shaped boulders are often thought to be trolls trapped outside and petrified by the sun, although sometimes a boulder is just a rock.
Wood Trolls
Wood trolls blend into forest environments and sometime resemble living trees with long, gnarled limbs, green (or yellow, red or brown) hair and tough, bark-like hide. Wood trolls are tough to kill, but they hate fire and may be particularly vulnerable or at least susceptible to fire.

Other trolls haunt bridges, rivers and swamps. Small and medium sized trolls can be identical to dwarves, elves or goblins. Big trolls can be indistinguishable from giants. Trolls which are particularly animal-like may be considered beastmen. Trolls which live in the water may be a type of merfolk.