Forgotten Freedom:13 (Thyrs)
The Fourth progenitor dragon, offspring of Khyber and Syberis, Thyrs was caught in the middle when its parents started argueing over what to do with the Prophecy. Khyber wanted to destroy it, syberis wanted to preserve it. Thyrs resolved to deal with the Prophecy on its own. In the Eberron of the Forgotten Freedom Khyber was not able to break the Prophecy before Thyrs saw it, and it drove the young dragon completely sane, unable to assume anything and desiring to hammer the world into a shape which followed logic so that it could be predicted.
Unfortunately the renamed 13 started picking up on the pain being cause to the beings of the world (being sane will do that to you). Somehow tapping into beings' pain allowed the dragon to rocket through all time in an attempt to erase the events that created that pain and bring logic to the world. This had the effect of trying to correct structural damage with a sledgehammer. Eventually 13's logic deduced that the only way to guarantee the erasure of all pain was to destroy anything that could feel pain. It nearly succeeded, but the actions of the FF's crew allowed Word Being to release 13 from the universe.
However because of 13's time powers a second individual—this correctly insane—appeared later, pretending to have a romantic relationship with Jaela Jarlot so that she could go out and be Batman uninterrupted. This plan fizzled, and 13 took a job the person who delivers the crew's mail. 13 also applied to be a Non-Existant Entity, and has since become one of them. This also allows the being to apply things retroactively to itself, and it is now acting as a God of Living (aka making life annoying).
"Everyone and everything is equally screwed. Trust me, I've seen it."
--Created by SilvercatMoonpaw