HorizonVirtual:Main Page

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About Horizon: Virtual

Virtual is one of the five books that comprise the Horizon product line, a series of "mini-roleplaying games" by Fantasy Flight Games. The line is intended to work with the D20 System with the aim of providing a short campaign in an alternate setting. Virtual uses the D20 System as presented in the Version 3.5 Core Rulebooks to create a playable world inspired by the movie TRON and the animated TV series ReBoot, a world where sentient programs called 'wakers' roam an electronic world that exists inside our computer networks.

The Aim of the WikiProject

This WikiProject has two aims:

  1. To develop the ideas, rules and setting and contained in Fantasy Flight Games’ Horizon: Virtual mini-RPG in order to assist ease of play and extended campaigning.
  2. To "re-skin" the D20 System Reference Document for direct use with Horizon: Virtual without infringing the Open Game License that the D20 SRD is published under or the Closed Content and Product Identity of Fantasy Flight Games.

Project Want Lists

Each main section of the site will have its own "want list", specific issues or potential changes that have yet to be addressed. Modifiers should use the Want List area to post and/or discuss any such ideas or suggestions for additions and alterations.


The World of Virtual

Thsi section is intended as an almanac of Program Space. This section is intended to provide a springboard of general and coherent ideas (guidelines and plot-hooks, for example) rather than a developed-down-to-the-bolts world, thus allowing players and GMs to mix and match to their taste.

  1. Places
    1. Major Hubs
    2. Travel
    3. Planes
      1. Electron (Ethereal) Plane
      2. Wireless (Astral) Plane
  2. Things
    1. Sleepers
    2. Dreamers
    3. Equipment
    4. Subroutines (Magic Items)
  3. Wakers
    1. Razors
    2. The Waker Dictionary
  4. Organisations
    1. Détente
    2. The Snake Eaters
    3. Fox & Gekko
    4. The Pontifex Group
    5. User Cults
  5. Progenitor Viruses
  6. User Space
    1. What do the Programs know of User Space?
    2. Contacting a User
  7. Inspiration
    1. TRON
    2. TRON 2.0
    3. ReBoot

The Virtual Skin for D20

Mods and Patches

Open Gaming License

Both standard and modified D20 System Reference Document content has been posted under the terms of the Open Game License v1.0a and is Open Content.

If you find any Closed Content or Product Identity or any other copyrighted material posted to these pages, please inform IMAGinES immediately.