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The quick-and-dirty history of the setting. Play "spot the borrowed inspiration" as you read along! :)

21st Century Cyberpunk and the Eugenics Wars

As the 21st century goes along, Earth becomes more and more cyberpunky, as new technology completely fails to resolve many of the big social problems that date back to the 20th century of before. All the cultural divisions finally bust loose at the end of the century in World War III, which is one big war and whole bunch of little ones. This is our Eugenics Wars parallel, and maybe the subsequent conflicts can still be called that.

Long story short: The bad guys win.

The Terran Empire

This brings us up to about the mid-22nd century. The United Earth Government, which eventually becomes just the Terran Empire, pacifies the globe, and conquers space, using the new space technologies that were developed just before the Wars. Imagine the Empire as a mix of what little we know about the canonical Khans, and the Evil Mirror Universe Federation. Brutal military force, chaotic social situation, lots of runaway genetic engineering to manufacture warrior races and sex slaves and biowarfare critters. The first contacts with extraterrestrial intelligence occur during this time, and go about as well as you'd expect from Space Nazis. The Empire's borders are rather porous, with people escaping to form their own little free colonies beyond the frontier… and then the Empire expands to absorb them. But what with all the escapees, and the Empire's own internal politics, lots of people disappear Out There. Eventually, the Imperial capitol even moves from Earth, and it's just The Great Galactic Empire.

And then something causes the whole thing to fall apart. Probably several somethings, ranging from economics issues to civil war, but I also like the idea of something like a Berserker or Planet-Killer device suddenly blitzing through, or a supernova disrupting warp travel, or something else big and scary. In any case, the Empire collapses, and we get our Long Night scenario. This is about the start of the 25th or 26th century or so.

The Triplanetary Confederation

History doesn't stop during dark ages, it just isn't recorded as well. Various pocket empires arise, more isolated colonies, more alien contacts. Stuff changes. Now fast-forward to the late 27th century, where three worlds have formed the Triplanetary Confederation.

Analogy to characters: Bones is Earth, a lot of history, a lot of old memes, always the first to worry about the dangers in new technology, but there to help all the same. Kirk is Centauri, aggressive, capable, alternately forthright and sneaky. Spock is Hephaestus, struggling with two natures, but primarily thoughtful and logical.

World One: Earth

United now under a much more peaceful and democratic government that has successful restored and rebuilt devastated Earth. They're saddled with a load of guilt for inflicting the Empire on the rest of the universe. (Real-world inspiration: I haven't seen a lot of the 1960s German SF program Raumpatrouille Orion, but I know of it. A story I've heard, though I don't know how true it is: The space patrolmen seem to argue a lot, why? Because the Bundeswehr encouraged this among its troops, as a counter-reaction to the militarism and unquestioning obedience that the Wehrmacht and SS attempted to inculcate. This analogy seems as good as any for explaining why Starfleet seems to have a loose opinion toward chain of command.)

World Two: Alpha Centauri

Our source of boundless can-do, no-nonsense frontier spirit, and maybe the source of our Confederation's trust in government institutions—they built them themselves, of course they trust them! (A bit of that 1950s-1960s American civic duty ideal.) A random idea which is a footnote in Centauran history, but might stand out for us: some of the early colonists tried to gengineer a way for women to grow as tall and tough as men, hoping this would eliminate gender inequality; whether it did or not, the trait breeds true, and easily spread to other worlds. (The only reason for doing this is so I can have a less gender-segregated military without having certain people grumble about physical requirements. ;) )

World Three: Hephaestus

Hephaestus was another name for Vulcan, so we know which world this is! A planet with a population dominated by H-class genetic upgrades, an early attempt at a "strong genius" model, marred by emotional instability and some other quirks. In the isolation of Nightfall, they had some massive wars, until a couple of the geniuses worked out an artificial philosophy and set of rituals that spread and brought peace. The "Prime Logic" and "IDIC" philosophies will become well-known outside their planet—though many H-class upgrades don't follow it, it's a common stereotype.

The Federated Worlds

Our Triplanetary Confederation works out a new kind of FTL drive, the transwarp drive (today just "warp drive"), and starts exploring. At first, they're just following up their old trade contacts, but the Confederation picks up allies, and soon there's a move toward a new kind of interstellar government. Worried about a repeat of the crimes of the Old Empire, the wrangling over a new constitution continues for years.

But they finally sign the document, and the new Federated Worlds are founded, a cyberdemocracy dedicated to the principle that all life-forms have a fundamental right to existence in their own terms, and that governments are instituted among sapients to secure an equitable compromise for all within their sphere. (Or some such language; I'm not an expert in interstellar treaty law, so I probably can't phrase it properly.) And this young federation is a smashing success.

That brings us up to the present day, 2809 CE, shortly after the Federated Worlds' Centennial celebrations. The last war with the Cronan Empire was decades ago, the old space exploration program has been reactivated, and the government is involved in a top-down reassessment of internal programs. Stuff's changing, except the stuff which hasn't, but life goes on.

The Others

But they aren't the only new government on the block:

The Orion Alliance

A mercantile trade and defense alliance, grown into a group of federated states. In some aspects, it clings to ancient traditions; in others, it blithely charges forward down new paths. A mirror image of the Federated Worlds. Sometimes they are partners, sometimes rivals. (If you like, you can think of the Alliance as the U.S. and the Fed as the E.U., though that's a gross simplification, of course.) In fact, because of the dispersed nature of space, in places the two governments overlap, with worlds switching allegiance from time to time, or existing side-by-side.

The Great Galactic Empire

…is what they call themselves. Everyone else thinks of them as the Cronan Empire. A fragment of the old Empire still survives, centered on the world of Cronos, and with a resurgent, feudally-inspired culture, they're back in the Great Game, hoping to reclaim lost territory or colonize new. These are the Klingon / Soviet Union analogs.

New Byzantium

Our Romulan analogs, and also our Space Communists / China in Space. Formerly isolationist, now hoping for new blood and ideas, a small but powerful polity with lots of transhuman aspects, and lots of little intersecting social groups and concepts of public face that make it tricky for outsiders to quite grasp what's going on.

The 'Borg Hives

Several of these, actually, mostly way out in the deeps beyond explored space. People who modified themselves and their society so heavily that they may no longer be human, and now exist in such a web of telecommunication and body-modification that each hive is practically a single "person." A couple are aggressive like the TV shows, but others are introspective, or even friendly—though disturbing, for how far they differ from human norms, and yet how close they can still be…

And More…

Plus various pocket empires, like whatever we'll name our Cardassian analogs, and a myriad of isolates, including no doubt a few nuts who base their culture off of Greek mythology, Nazism, cowboy movies, or Edgar Rice Burroughs novels. If it works for them, it's hard to criticize…

All of the larger nations have a mix of races, species, and cultures within them, often on the same worlds. And there are, of course, alien, or alien-dominated nations, as well. I'd like to work the Kzin / Lyrans in there somewhere, the Gorn are a must, the Tholians would fit the "freaky alien space horde bent on devouring us out of existence" role nicely, I wouldn't mind sticking the Hivers and the K'Kree in there on the side… there's room, Space is Big. And don't forget that the aliens may well have para-alien genemods, alien-animal uplifts, and AIs of their own—and humans living among them, playing the "obligatory non-alien part" on their media shows, etc.

It's a big, wide, wonderful galaxy out there.