Kingdoms: Domain of The Sun Pharoah
Kingdoms: Main Page -> Kingdoms: Domain of The Sun Pharoah
Dreamform: Domain of The Sun Pharoah
The Dominant Actors of the Court
KING: Nopheros, the Young Pharoah
KNIGHT: Sekhmet, the Lioness
BISHOP: Ma'at, Lady of High Justice
ROOK: Neith, the Protective Mother
Guardian of womenfolk
The Shadow Actors of the Court
QUEEN: Hathor/Cyrridven, the Rising Moon
KNIGHT: Monthu, the Bull of War
BISHOP: Qetesh, of the Sacred Prostitutes
ROOK: Usiris, Watcher of the Dead
The Eight Armies
- Marynannu War Charioteers - Well suited to wide open terrain, these noblemen archers guide their one-man chariots, steering through reins attached to their waists, keeping both hands free to make their attacks.
- Nubian Spearmen - Lightly armed but versatile and stoic warriors.
- Falcon Swordsmen - Extravagant in appearance and armed with expensive bronze swords.
- Sekhmet's Lion Spears - Ultra-disciplined spearmen with a strong sense of honour.
- Mothu's Raging Bulls - Fanatical shock troops armed with heavy clubs.
- Trireme Hornbows - Equally skilled as boatmen and archers.
- The Temple Guard - Technically part of the priesthood, solidly built fanatics dedicated to the defence of holy places.
- The Slaves - Lack of quality is compensated for with quantity.