Kingdoms: Improvements
Kingdoms: Main Page -> Kingdoms: Improvements
Improvements, Roleplaying and Flavour
The list of improvements on this page is by necessity rather dry and devoid of character, there as a resource for the Adjudicator.
When a King-Player orders an Improvement built, he doesn't pick off this list. Instead, he says exactly what the Improvement consists of and how much he is spending, and the Adjudicator then picks the rule to match it.
For example, the King could spend 3 Glamour to build Merchant Sea Docks in one of his cities, to encourage trade. The Adjudicator would then decide that this was a 3 pt Resource Generator, and assign the rules as appropriate.
The List
Attack Boosts
Examples: Blacksmiths; Wayforts; Secret societies;
One Point Attack Boost
- Add +1 to your kingdom's attacks with one campaign or intrigue objective (e.g. +1 attack all Espionage attempts).
Two Point Attack Boost
One of the following:
- Add +2 to your kingdom's attacks with one campaign or intrigue objective (e.g. +1 attack all Espionage attempts).
- Add +1 to your kingdom's attacks with two campaign or intrigue objectives (e.g. +1 attack all Espionage and Kidnap attempts)
Three Point Attack Boost
One of the following:
- Add +3 to your kingdom's attacks with one campaign or intrigue objective (e.g. +1 attack all Espionage attempts).
- Add +2 to your kingdom's attacks with three campaign or intrigue objectives (e.g. +1 attack all Espionage, Propaganda and Kidnap attempts)
- Add +1 to your kingdom's attacks either with all Summer Campaigns or with all Intrigues.
Examples: Weapon Enchanter; Airship factory; Ghost anchor;
One Point Counteract
- Negate an Army Boon or Army Trait on all of your enemy's pawns. For example, a Ghost Hunting College to negate the invulnerability of enemy ghost army.
Two Point Counteract
One of the following:
- Negate a Boon or Trait on all of one type of your enemy's back row pieces. For example, an Airship Station to negate the Inaccessible Kingdom of trait of the opposing King, but only when you are attacking.
Three Point Counteract
One of the following:
- Add +3 to your kingdom's attacks with one campaign or intrigue objective (e.g. +1 attack all Espionage attempts).
- Add +2 to your kingdom's attacks with three campaign or intrigue objectives (e.g. +1 attack all Espionage, Propaganda and Kidnap attempts)
- Add +1 to your kingdom's attacks either with all Summer Campaigns or with all Intrigues.
Defence Boosts
Examples: Great Walls; Watchtowers; Security Groups;
One Point Defence Boost
- Add +1 to your kingdom's defence against one campaign or intrigue objective (e.g. +1 Internal Security versus all Espionage attempts).
Two Point Defence Boost
One of the following:
- Add +2 to your kingdom's defence against one campaign or intrigue objective (e.g. +2 War Defence versus all Checkmate attempts).
- Add +1 to your kingdom's defence against two campaign or intrigue objectives (e.g. +1 Internal Security versus all Espionage and Kidnap attempts)
Three Point Defence Boost
One of the following:
- Add +3 to your kingdom's defence against one campaign or intrigue objective (e.g. +3 War Defence versus all Pillage attempts).
- Add +2 to your kingdom's defence against two campaign or intrigue objectives (e.g. +2 Internal Security versus all Espionage, Propaganda and Kidnap attempts)
- Add +1 to your kingdom's defence against either all Summer Campaigns or all Intrigues.
Resource Generators
Examples: Trade districts; Ports; Mines; Markets;
One Point Resource Generator
- With ((sacrifice resource X)) the Improvement generates 1 Glamour for the King.
"Sacrifice resource X" should always be costly - for example, surrendering a back row piece to captivity at the end of Spring, or destroying an Improvement.
Two Point Resource Generator
One of the following:
- With ((sacrifice resource X)) the Improvement generates 2 Glamour for the King.
- With ((standard action by Piece X)) the Improvement generates 1 Glamour for the King.
"Standard action by piece X" is doing something where the piece could have been used usefully otherwise. For example be a Winter Intrigue performed by a Bishop. Generally though success is automatic.
Three Point Resource Generator
One of the following:
- With ((sacrifice resource X)) the Improvement generates 3 Glamour for the King.
- With ((standard action by Piece X)) the Improvement generates 2 Glamour for the King.
- Every Autumn, the Improvement provides 1 Glamour to the King.
Score Generators
Examples: Temples; Monuments; Statues; Vanity pieces;
One Point Score Generator
- Add +1 to your kingdom's Dominance Score.
Two Point Score Generator
- Add +3 to your Dominance Score.
Three Point Score Generator
- Add +6 to your Dominance Score.