Humans, Aliens (agressive), Aliens (passive)
Seems to me that you need to set up the common species, humans, human variants, aggressive aliens and passive aliens.
Hivers & Puppeteers
So, are you saying that you ought to combine these two very different species? Or that these two very different species have some sort of alliance?
Human variants
Another one for you - what human variants are out there? So far, there are:
- Hesphateans/Vulcans
- Kronans/Klingons
- Byzantines/Romulans
- Betazed
- Borg
Pretty much human with maybe cultural differences?
- Cardassians
- Bajorans
From the series
- Bynars - a good fit with the version you've sketched. Maybe a borg lite?
And ...?
May I suggest a few?
- Floaters/spacers - adapted for microgravity and radiation resistance, possibly with prehensile feet, or even an extra set of arms. Besides, I always wanted to play a floater marine in Trek.
- Upgraded humans - no bad recessives, better healing, longer lived, etc.
- Humans engineered for longer life - I swear I remember reading about these nearly 20 years ago - better designed for circulatory systems, sinuses and similar stuff. ISTR seeing them in Transhuman Space.
- Para-cetacean variants, able to exist in water like a dolphin or whale, and even more capable with technological gills.