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Revision as of 04:40, 28 February 2009 by LordDraqo (talk | contribs) (Human variants)
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Humans, Aliens (agressive), Aliens (passive)[edit]

Seems to me that you need to set up the common species, humans, human variants, aggressive aliens and passive aliens.

Hivers & Puppeteers[edit]

Hivers Puppeteers

So, are you saying that you ought to combine these two very different species? Or that these two very different species have some sort of alliance?


Human variants[edit]

Another one for you - what human variants are out there? So far, there are:

  • Hesphateans/Vulcans
  • Kronans/Klingons
  • Byzantines/Romulans
  • Betazed
  • Borg

Pretty much human with maybe cultural differences?

  • Cardassians
  • Bajorans

From the series

  • Bynars - a good fit with the version you've sketched. Maybe a borg lite?

And ...?

May I suggest a few?

  • Floaters/spacers - adapted for microgravity and radiation resistance, possibly with prehensile feet, or even an extra set of arms. Besides, I always wanted to play a floater marine in Trek.
  • Upgraded humans - no bad recessives, better healing, longer lived, etc.
  • Humans engineered for longer life - I swear I remember reading about these nearly 20 years ago - better designed for circulatory systems, sinuses and similar stuff. ISTR seeing them in Transhuman Space.
  • Para-cetacean variants, able to exist in water like a dolphin or whale, and even more capable with technological gills.


Seems to me that the Haephesteans, Kronans and Byzantines were mentioned in the original thread as resulting from a variety of geneering, as well as the differences in cultures. And if we are going with the idea of the green Orion slave-girls as a variety of bioroid, then that indicates that there is a variety of geneering going on in the Alliance as well.
