Mnemon Guilo
Guilo's Opinions:
- Cynis Hasijna Kytharsis: "Ah, Kytharsis... she's the best of us. A toast to the Satrap of Caspian!"
- Cynis Hasijna Zende: "I can't say I approve of him... but he has an irritating habit of making me think, about Gateway and other things."
- Nellens Vaigu: "Little Vaigu... I tried to take her in hand, but what can one do? I think I miss her, actually."
- Ragara Calel Falia: "I shouldn't blame her for beating me. I guess I just don't want to blame myself."
- Sesus Denerid Ravel: "Dammit, why!? He was supposed to be mine!"
- Tepet Usera: "Lucky wench. I'd trade places with her in a heartbeat if it wouldn't strip her of what she's justly earned."
- V'Neef Desro: "He's an entertaining fellow, but really, Vaigu was all wrong for him."
Exalted_The_DragonBlooded:_Rumours_of_War Exalted PbP game in