Starfall: Versa
System Information
Star: (G) Yellow
- Fount Saria Ring System
- Voldor Class 1, Terran (G2, R1, A3, P3, H2)
- Lalia Class 5, Gas Giant, Large (G5, R3, A1, P5, H0)
- Kradjist Class 3, Gas Giant, Large (G4, R1, A1, P5, H0)
- Forthist Class 2, Sub-Terran (G2, R1, A1, P2, H1)
- Calai Belt Comet Belt
- Mathis Class 3, Gas Giant, Small (G4, R1, A2, P4, H1)
Voldor has been terraformed and is now Earth Like. Smaller settlements also exist on Forthist, and a few floating industrial platforms exist on Mathis.
People and Culture
Humans and Aleerians make up the vast majority of Versa. The human population has a variety of traits, including those gained through years of interbreeding with the Aleerians.
The culture here has been heavily influenced by the aleerians and also seems to borrow many ideas from the customs of feudal Japan. Pacifism is common, as are ideas about self control and passive resistance. Cybernetics are extremely common, and most people in the system have at least one or two minor cybernetic implants, even if it is just cosmetic.
Versa is one of the Exodus Systems. Established in around 2150, the system quickly developed good relations with the Aleer System.
Versa maintained its neutrality during the Galactic War, and its leaders urged its people not to get involved in the conflict. Some Verasians left the system and joined one side or the other.
After the war Versa joined the Galactic Alliance and offered its knowledge of cybernetics to assist those who had been seriously injured during the war.
In 2242 a meteor struck the planet causing widespread devastation. In the wake of this disaster wide spread cultural changed resulted in the development of a military class that quickly took control of the planets government. The Aru-fadom ruled
Game Information
In addition to the rules in the PHB I.C.S. Citizens also have the following traits:
Favored Skill: business or administration
Resources: starting money x2 (dirt poor or filthy rich negate this)