Starfall: T'sa

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The t'sa are a race of beings that inhabit the galaxy. Contact with the t'sa occurred 2204 near the Port Freedom System. The initial contact with the t'sa caused a tense political situation and lead directly to the Stellar War. The t'sa themselves are a reptilian species. T'sa technology was advanced in many ways beyond human technology when the two species first encountered one another, save that the t'sa had not developed faster than light travel. The T'sa had developed a society that spanned many system even without FTL travel. The t'sa were also in possession of highly advanced cryogenic and terraforming technology.

While the t'sa have a civilization that spans many systems, the home system is the center of T'sa culture. The closest that humans can relate to the type of civilization used by the t'sa is an empire, but with out the violent of expansionist connotations that the world implies.


The det'sya are a type of intricate tattoos that are popular among many t'sa cultures. On the homewold most T'sa have det'sya as a way to identify their brood and many important life events, such as the death of a sibling, mating, or other important accomplishment. All of the Det'sya on the homeworld follows pretty uniform standards that have been developed over the millenniums, but on other worlds in the cluster different symbols and traditions have developed. T'sa living outside the cluster may not even have det'sya or at least not conform to any t'sa symbolism. Regardless, the presence of det'sya is often looked upon favorably by members of the t'sa and often acts as a type of ice breaker in social situations.