Iron Kingdoms 4e
Iron Kingdoms 4e Conversion Project
The Iron Kingdoms, a setting from Privateer Press, was released using 3e D&D rules. Privateer Press have also released the tabletop wargames Warmachine and Hordes, and from the way the games play, 4e would almost certainly be a better match for the IK than 3e is. Also the prep time needed for the DM is lower - there are many advantages to converting and for various reasons an official conversion is unlikely. Therefore this is our attempt.
Please note that due to potential copywrite issues, a lot of the conversion is going to be bare bones statblocks - Privateer has produced some outstanding material, and this is only intended to convert it. If you don't know the significance of e.g. Alexia di Ciannor, although there is going to be a conversion into 4e, we aren't going to tell you who she is.
Character Classes, Races, and Paragon Paths
Human = Human
Dwarf = Dwarf
Iosian = Deva (?)
Nyss = Elf
Gobber = Halfling
Bogrin = Hobgoblin (?)
Ogryn = Goliath
Satyx = ?
Skorne = ?
Tharn = Longtooth Shifter (male) / Razorclaw Shifter (female)
Trollkin = Half-Orc (?)
Basic Classes
All the character classes in PHB 1 and PHB 2 are legal in the Iron Kingdoms. That said, there is currently only one Invoker in the entire IK (the Harbinger of Menoth), Mennites aren't allowed the arcane power source unless they are bards or warcasters (and even then they need to keep quiet about it), and the primal power source is restricted to Hordes factions - most of which don't use Arcane power.
At present, it is planned that Arcane Mechaniks are going to use the rules for Artificers (from Eberron).
Modified Classes
Gun Mage - Modified Sorceror
New Paragon Paths
Note that although it is planned that there will be a paragon path for Mage Hunters, in its initial phases these rules will only have Mage Hunters of Ios as elite skirmishers.
Gun Basics
Rogues can use Pistols as Rogue weapons, and rangers may choose to be proficient in rifles rather than bows. Small characters can get rifles that do one die size less damage- and small pistols work as normal (although there is no small handcannon).
Revolvers hold 6 shots and take a move action to reload. Some rifles are revolvers.
You can use your load actions to reload in the middle of your attack action. Note that reloading takes two hands even if you are using a one-handed weapon.
Pistol: This weapon may be used one-handed and synergises with a number of pistol feats. Even if you can use pistols in melee (whether through power, feat, bayonet, or anything else) you never either give or receive flanking bonus.
Rifle: Standard two handed gun.
Sniper: A sniper weapon may be fired from Prone and grants +1 to hit if you do so.
At the start of the IK setting, bullets + powder cost 2GP each.
Holdout Pistol
A small pistol, designed for a member of the nobility to be able to shoot. One Handed Simple Ranged +3 prof. d4 damage. Range: 7/15. Properties: Pistol, Repeater. 150GP
Cheap Pistol
About all many starting PCs can afford if they want a gun. One Handed Simple Ranged +2prof. d6 damage. Range: 5/10 Properties: Pistol, Load Minor. 25GP
A decent pistol, known for its multiple shots. One Handed Simple Ranged +3 prof. d6 damage. Range: 10/20 Properties: Pistol, Repeater. 150GP
Most prefer the revolver and its six shots. But some experts can make reloading the pistol into an art. One Handed Simple Ranged +3 prof. d8 damage. Range: 10/20 Properties: Pistol, Load Minor. 150GP
A pistol designed for one shot in combat. It kicks like a mule and reloading is a pain, but that one shot is often sufficient to end a fight. One handed martial ranged +3 prof. d12 damage. Range 10/20. Properties: Pistol, Load Standard, Versatile. 90GP
The standard modern military longarm. They are becoming ubiquitous - they may not be as good as Longbows quite yet. But despite the cost of the weapon, training a rifleman is still easier (and hence cheaper) than training a longbowman. Two handed simple ranged. +2 Prof. d10 damage. Range 15/30 Properties: Rifle, Load Minor. 75GP
Long Gun
Cygnaran elite military weapon. Two handed martial ranged. +3 Prof. d10 damage. Range 20/40 Properties: Rifle, Repeater. 150GP
Sniper Rifle
Elite military weapon. Two handed martial ranged. +3 Prof. d12 damage. Range 30/60 Properties: Rifle, Load Minor, Sniper. 150GP
Hunting Rifle
For when you need to stop a rampaging gorax. Note: Alten Ashley carries one of these. Two handed superior ranged. +3 Prof. 2d6 damage. Range 30/60 Properties: Rifle, Load Move, Brutal 1. 350GP
Gun Accessories
Gun Blades
Gun Blades (5GP) can be added to any pistol and allow the pistol to be used in melee with the statistics of a dagger (note that although it is a light blade it is not actually a dagger so rogues do not get an additional +1 to hit).
Bayonets (10gp) can be added to any rifle and allow the rifle to be used in melee as a spear.
Note: there are a number of options for handling Warjacks.