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Warcaster Paragon Path for the 4e Conversion of the Iron Kingdoms[edit]

Path Features[edit]

L11 - Focus 1/encounter. A Warcaster can spend a focus point as a minor action. With a focus point, a Warcaster can make a basic attack, can reroll one attack roll or any number of dice from one damage roll. Also as a minor action, a warcaster can spend focus points to recharge an encounter power - one for a heroic, two for a paragon, and three for an epic.

L11 - Jack Control. A warcaster counts as having the Jack Marshal Feat. In addition, at the start of an encounter the Warcaster can transfer up to three focus points to a warjack under his or her control.

L16 - Focus 3/Encounter


L11 Attack Encounter - A warcaster can choose a L7 arcane attack power from any arcane class. This may allow two uses of the same arcane encounter attack power.

L12 At Will Utility - Reactivate jack. A warcaster can reactivate a friendly or neutral inert jack as a standard action and bring it under his or her control. This does not repair any damage.

L20 Attack Daily - A Warcaster can choose a L15 daily from any arcane class. This may allow two uses of the same arcane daily attack power.