Bunny "The Babe" or "Brat" Bension

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Bunny "The Babe" or "Brat" Bension <depending on who you ask>, Hot Chics rock right? Hot chics who like drinking beer and watching anime –to much- anime and can skate like the devil are WAY HOT!!!!!!!!! Bunny is probly the only Hotchick jack knows that he hasn't slept with. She was the sister of a friend from highschool who died, he asked jack on his death bed to watch out for his little sister. And jack has sort of a adopted her as family ever since. Shes had a rough life her father was an abusive alcoholic rich son of a bitch ie untouchable by the law. Bunny grew up with a touch of a violent streak oh sure shes cute and flirtatious one minute but cross her and well the boys don't need to protect her. She jokes around with jack that she will get him into her bed one of these days and his response is usaly yeah but it would only be to read you a bedtime story brat. And they both laugfh because they know its true. Bunny is a Mistress of the skate board She taught everything she knew to her ex boy friend Tony Hawk, and she would have been realy famous but for 2 things. 1. shes a girl. 2. when she caught tony cheating on her on his first tour she broke her board using it to make a nuttshot and tony had her black listed. She stoped Skatting when jack died She said it just wasn't fun anymore. She has a job now as a kindergarden teacher in D.C.