DnD Desert Raiders Campaign Loak
Loak the Wanderer

Zoser is an unpredictable being whose heart rejoices in the wild dance of desert whirlwinds. Although he is not evil, he is heedless of the devastation his storms wreak. Dervishes are his most devoted followers, imitating his capricious might in their deadly little dances. Travelers in the waste also pay homage to Zoser in hopes that he pass them by.
His symbol is a stylized drawing of a tornado. He most often appears as a towering whirlwind; dark with dust, in whose depths a vague humanoid outline can be seen. Sometimes he instead takes the form of a lone traveler, cloaked in sand-colored robes that flutter around him even when the air is calm.
Temples to Zoser take the form of tall spires, usually natural pinnacles or buttes, with an open-air altar at the very tip. Priests scatter incense and colored dust on the wind while worshippers chant songs of praise and dance frenziedly – it is not uncommon for an overenthusiastic worshiper to fall off a spire.
- Name: Loak the Wanderer
- Class: Druid 1
- Level: 1
- Race Goblin
- HD: 8
- Speed: 30 ft.
- Languages: Goblin, Common, Auran
- Str 6 (-2)
- Dex 14 (+2)
- Con 10
- Int 12 (+2)
- Wis 17 (+3)
- Cha 5 (-3)
- Fort +2
- Ref +2
- Will +5
- AC: 16 (FF 14, Touch 16)
- Bab: 0
- melee: -1
- ranged: +3
Special Abilities
- Sun Lenses (10gp)
- Filter Mask (+2 vs gas-based effects, negates effects of suffocation from sand and dust up to 4 hours)
- Desert Outfit (Protection level +1)
- Skills: .. points Ranks + Ab + i = Total
- Concentration (con) + =
- Craft (int) + =
- Diplomacy (cha) + =
- Handle anmial (cha) + =
- Heal(wis) + =
- Knowledge religion (int) + =
- Knowledge r & n (int) + =
- Profession (wis) + =
- Ride (dex) + =
- Sense motive (wis) + =
Elemental Companion