Character:Profane Abjuration of the Bane of Chaos
Game: Once More, With Feeling!.
Character Name Profane Abjuration of the Bane of Chaos
Caste: Day Caste, Abyssal
Concept: Ghost-Blooded Servant of Oblivion
To dance on the ashes of his Deathlord master.
Describe here in full your Caste anima power. Also tell us your totemic form.
Strength 3
Dexterity 5
Stamina 4
Charisma 3
Manipulation 3
Appearance 4
Perception 5
Intelligence 4
Wits 5
Caste Abilities
Athletics 5
Awareness 5 (Ambushes, +3)
Dodge 5 (Unarmored, +5)
Stealth 5 (In Shadows, In Darkness, +3)
Favored Abilities
Melee 5 (Knives, +3)
Thrown 5 (Knives, +3)
Integrity 5
Investigation 4 (Obscuring the Truth, +2)
Lore 4 (The Underworld, +2)
Medicine 5 (Diseases, +3) (Poisons, +3)
Occult 4 (The Underworld, +2)
Unfavored Abilities
Resistance 4
Survival 2
Bureaucracy 2
Artifact 5
- A pair of knives, with blades of etched adamant and handles of bone-white soulsteel. Adorned with a matched set of hearthstones, these blades are as beautiful as they are deadly.
- Speed 5, Accuracy +10, Damage +6L, Defense +0, Rate 5, Range 25, Piercing, Thrown
- These blades instantly return to their attuned master via the shadowy paths of Elsewhere and the Labyrinth. This effect is considered a perfect effect in regards to trumping applicability.
- These blades are able to attack the subtle bonds of essence attuning their target to artifacts and the committed essence-motes that sustain charms with a duration greater than Instant. Each damage success used to assault such instead of inflicting damage to the target disrupts one mote; all committed motes must be disrupted before the attunement or charm is broken. Any motes so disrupted are fed back to the attuned wielder of these blades.
- The mounted set of hearthstones are matched in every way; together they empower the attuned wielder in a similiar fashion as the Withering Gem Hearthstone. Instead of the Consumption, these hearthstones inflict a highly communicable form of The Contagion.
- Attunement: 15 motes.
Liege 4
Manse 5: The Right Hand of Creation's Demise
- Hearthstone: Withering Gem (The Contagion) (Right Half)
- Manse: Abyssal Aspect, 5 Dots
Manse 5: The Left Hand of Creation's Demise
- Hearthstone: Withering Gem (The Contagion) (Left Half0
- Manse: Abyssal Aspect, 5 Dots
Spies 5
- The East, in both Creation and the Underworld.
Underworld Manse 5
- Various and assorted hearthstones which only function within the Underworld and the Shadowlands.
Whispers 5
- The Neverborn have opened his mind ot the fullness of their plans and desires.
- Oblivion itself whispers into his mind, sometimes supporting the Neverborn's Will; other times conflicting. Denial of Oblivion's Whispers generate Resonance as if denying the will of the Neverborn.
Thrown Charms
- Aid of Ill Wind
- Five Birds, One Stone
- Improvised Assassin's Trick
- Hungry Missile Technique
- Burrowing Bone Maggot
- Wicked Darts of Suffering
- Frozen Prayer Entombment
- Lightning Clutch of the Raptor
Integrity Charms
- Heart of Darkness
- Lesser Horrors Scorned
- Unconquered Hero's Faith
Occult Charms
- Spirit-Sensing Meditation
- Corpus-Rending Blow
- God-Slaying Torment
Athletics Charms
- Raiton's Nimble Perch
- Crouching Gargoyle Stance
- Effortless Unnatural Grace
- Mist Over Ice
- On Wings of Night
- Spider Pounce Technique
- Earth-Forsaking Stance
- Falling Scythe Attack
- Shadow Races the Light
Dodge Charms
- Flitting Shadow Form
- Flickering Wisp Technique
- Uncanny Impulse Evasion
- Untouchable Phantom Mien
- Foe-Shaming Defense
Stealth Charms
- Shadow Cloak Technique
- Unseen Wisp Method
- Atrocity Without Witness
- Splinter in the Mind's Eye
Essence: 5
Personal: 25 of 25 motes
Peripheral: 46 of 61 motes
Committed: 15 motes, Peripheral
OOOOO, OOOOO (10 of 10)
Compassion: 5
Conviction: 5
Temperance: 3
Valor: 3