ZHBEagle Claw
Eagle Claw[edit]
Common Crimson Chi Style[edit]
Brutal (Palms Only) Defualt Critical Success: Disarm or Maim
1: Quick Rip
- Add Crimson Chi modifier to Strike
- +5 Damage
- +1 die if you act before the target.
Cost: 1 Crimson Chi
2: Flashing Talons
- Secondary Attack (Palms Only)
Cost: 2 Crimson Chi
3: Flesh-Rending Strike
- Add Crimson Chi modifier to Strike
- +5 Damage
- Ignore 5 points of Armor
- Add two dice to damage
- Add an additional die to damage if you act before the target
Cost: 3 Crimson Chi
4: Wing of Eagles' Dawning
- Add Crimson Chi modifier to Strike
- Disarm on standard success
- On Critical success, take weapon away from opponent and gain secondary attack with that weapon
- Channel: 2 Silver- Maintain this effect for another round
Cost: 4 Crimson Chi
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