Hulk PL19

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the Incredible HULK (PL19, 278pp) [WITH Super Strength +20]

Size: Large (-1) Init +0; Defense 15/9; Spd 30’; Atk +6 melee, +6 ranged; SV Dmg +10, Fort +10, Ref +2, Will +1; Str 20, Dex 14, Con 20, Int 7, Wis 9, Cha 8; Base Attack Bonus +7, Base Defense Bonus +6; (61)

SKILLS (16) Handle Animal +3, Intimidate +3, Listen +4, Sense Motive +3, Spot +3;

FEATS (2 All-Out Attack, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Immunities x4 (Cold, Heat, Fire, Disease), Infamy, Iron Will, Power Attack, Rapid Takedown, Takedown Attack, Toughness, Detect (astral);

POWERS Growth +4 (Flaws- Continuous); Immovability +4 (from growth); Leaping +5 (Power Stunt- Super Leaping: 800’);

  • Locate Home +10; Protection +10 (Flaw- provides only +7 vs. Energy attacks); Regeneration +5; Super Constitution +3;

Super Strength +20 (+10) [COST: 9] (Flaws- Limited- the madder the better Hulk starts at +10 Super Strength [at normal ranks for listed extras] and must make a DC10 Will Save [-1 per round] attempting to activate. the surge increase Super Strength by +1 per round [you may make a DC 15 Will Save to double this each round and/or make a “Heroic Effort” to gain larger Surges by spending 1 Hero Point per 5 Power Ranks]) (Extras- Shockwave, Thunderclap, Boost: [Regeneration +10, Protection +7, Leaping +4, Immovability +4 ... all with the linked flaws of Super Strength]); (Power Stunt: Lethal)

WEAKNESSES (-30) Berserk (Banner: Hulk will always revert into a Berserk rage when thinking about Banner); Disturbing: he’s the HULK!!; Transformation: Puny Banner … when the Hulk is rendered disabled for 3 or more rounds, he begins to revert into Bruce Banner. He can attempt to stave off the transformation with a DC 15 Will Save, but can only delay the inevitable (he forgets when he’s calm that he could revert). The Hulk must make an additional check for each additional disabled minute (+2 to DC per minute). The Hulk will never volunteerly revert to Banner.


Locate Home; COST: 3 ACTION: Free RANGE: worldwide (range x3) DURATION: Sustaned You have the ability to locate a location and have complete direction sense to seek it out with a DC15 Will Save. You receive a +1 per power rank. You must choose this location when purchasing the power.