Character:Lutra Kawauso
Game: Once more, with Feeling!
Character Name: Lutra Kawauso
Caste: No-Moon Caste Lunar
Concept: Solitary Eastern Steward, Artificer, Wyld Shaper
To find a way to incorporate the Fair Folk into the social fabric of Creation, taming them to benefit Creation and its' occupants; without allowing them to Harm Creation or its' natural occupants.
(Was) (Discover a method to reclaim the Lost Lunar Castes.)
- Her Manse and it's occupants. (Ownership) (Loyalty) (+)
- Those tribes who look to her for protection. (Loyalty) (+)
- Solar Bond, "Jared Nemo" (True Love) (Eternal Vow) (+)
A sense of wetness, flowing water and the scent of a clean, cold, river.
- A silver spirit-otter with starmetal eyes winding it's way through her feet as she walks. Old Realm Scrolls mark each of the five directions, each rotating in place as the text constantly changes.
- Strength 2
- Dexterity 5
- Stamina 6
- (F) Charisma 7
- (F) Manipulation 7
- Appearance 4
- (C) Perception 6
- (C) Intelligence 6
- (C) Wits 5
War Abilities[edit]
- Athletics 5
- Awareness 6
- Dodge 6
- Integrity 6
- Martial Arts 5
- Resistance 5
Life Abilities[edit]
- (F) Craft
- Craft (Air) 6 (Moonsilver, +3)
- Craft (Earth) 6 (Moonsilver, +3)
- Craft (Fire) 6 (Moonsilver, +3)
- Craft (Water) 6 (Moonsilver, +3)
- Craft (Wood) 6 (Moonsilver, +3)
- Craft (Magitech) 6 (Moonsilver, +3)
- Craft (Genesis) 6
- Linguistics 5 (River Speak, Forest Tongue, Wave Tongue, Tribal Tongues, Old Realm)
- Performance 4
- Presence 4
- Stealth 4
- (F) Survival 4
Wisdom Abilities[edit]
- Investigation 6
- (F) Lore 6
- (F) Occult 6
- The Art of Alchemy, +3
- The Art of Astrology, +3
- The Art of Bio-Thaumaturgy, +3
- The Art of Elemental Summoning, +3
- The Art of Enchantment, +3
- The Art of Geomancy, +3
- The Art of Husbandry, +3
- The Art of Spirit Beckoning, +3
- The Art of Warding & Exorcism, +3
- The Art of Weather Working, +3
- (F) Medicine 6
Ally 1, "Jarred Nemo"[edit]
- Solar Bond (5) (True Love) (Eternal Vow)
Artifact 4, "Full-Moon Caste Lunar Moonsilver Tattoos"[edit]
Artifact 4, "Waxing-Moon Caste Lunar Moonsilver Tattoos"[edit]
Artifact 4, "Half-Moon Caste Lunar Moonsilver Tattoos"[edit]
Artifact 4, "Waning-Moon Caste Lunar Moonsilver Tattoos"[edit]
Artifact 4, "No-Moon Caste Lunar Moonsilver Tattoos"[edit]
- Crafted onto a human-sized piece of imperishable cloth, designed to be used in conjunction with the Form-Fixing Method charm so as to fix the Caste and provide Moonsilver Tattoos as appropriate to the cloth used in combination with the charm.
Artifact 5, "Graceful, Wicked Assumption"[edit]
- Moonsilver Daiklaive (Speed 5, Accuracy +11, Damage +11B, Defense +9, Rate 5)
- This weapon is wielded with it’s user’s Occult Ability rather than it’s user’s Melee Ability.
- This weapon Inflicts bashing damage only. Bashing damage inflicted by this weapon does not overflow into lethal damage upon rendering the target Incapacitated.
- Upon activation this weapon removes mutations and assumption charms from the target with a successful attack; regardless of how much or how little, or even if, damage is inflicted; rolling the wielder’s (Intelligence + Essence), with each success counting as one point of mutation permanently removed from the target. These successes are cumulative until all mutations and assumption charms have been removed from the target. (Activation Cost: 8 motes) (Duration: Scene-Length)
- Attunement: 10 motes.
Artifact 5, Familiar 3[edit]
- Large Moonsilver Otter, with Starmetal Eyes, White Jade Bones and Teeth, and Adamant Claws (Behemoth, Deep Wyld Horror)
- Attunement: 15 motes.
Contacts 5[edit]
- Eastern Fair Folk
- Eastern Spirit Courts
- Eastern Elemental Courts
- Far Eastern Tribes, Shamans
- Far Eastern Barbarian Tribes, Shamans
Cult 2[edit]
- Scattered Far Eastern Tribes
Manse 5[edit]
- Hearthstone: None.
- Manse 5, Lunar Aspected
- Magical Conveniences, Well-Flavored Aspect, Archive, Geomantic Subtlety, Hidden Passages, Analytical Senses, Bound Servant Force, Guardian, Provider, The Silent Voice, Outside Fate, Wyld Revocation, Factory-Cathedral, Indestructible, Otherworld Gate, Sentient
Resources 5[edit]
Backgrounds: Fair Folk[edit]
Gossamer 3[edit]
- 6 Gossamer per Story, Generated within the Hearthstone Room (Arcane Redoubt) of Lutra's Manse.
Form Acquisition Knacks: Animal[edit]
- Humble Mouse Shape
- Emerald Grasshopper Form
- Illimitable Beast Declaration
Form Acquisition Knacks: Human[edit]
- Prey’s Skin Disguise
- Honing the Stolen Form
- Intimate Training Recollection
- Taste of Like Minds
- Flickering Star Infusion
- Compassionate Mirror Nature
- Sky-Heart Mastery
- Holistic Reality Visage
Form Acquisition Knacks: Supernatural[edit]
- Faces of the First
- Dragon Kings
Form Acquisition Knacks: Miscellaneous[edit]
- Life of the Hummingbird
Shape Shifting Refinement Knacks[edit]
- Changing Plumage Mastery
- Internal Form Mastery
- Subtle Silver Declaration
- Hidden Moon-Warrior Face
Dexterity Charms[edit]
Balance & Grace Charms[edit]
- Graceful Crane Stance
- Light-Footed Mountain Goat Stance
- Cat-Falling Attitude
- Deer Footed Grace
- Stalking Wind Cadence
Crafting Charms[edit]
- Clay-Wetting Practice
- Weapon-Shaping Method
- Luna’s Ubiquitous Panoply
- Lunar Blade Reconfiguration
- Mercurial Armadillo Concentration
Defensive Charms[edit]
- Golden Tiger Stance
- Wary Swallow Method
- Wind-Dancing Method
- Flowing Body Evasion
Stamina Charms[edit]
Consumption Charms[edit]
- Fertile Breath Inversion
Endurance Charms[edit]
- Steadfast Yeddim Meditation
- Bear Sleep Technique
Environmental Charms[edit]
- The East Mastery Technique
- The West Mastery Technique
- External Hide Perfection
- Five Corners Adaptability
Healing Charms[edit]
- Bruise Relief Method
- Halting the Scarlet Flow
- Lightning Starfish Concentration
- Purging the Tarnished Silver
Charisma Charms[edit]
Holy Charms[edit]
- Outworld Forsaking Stance
- Lunar Guardian Declaration
- Foe Turning Rebuke
- Scathing Lunar Condemnation
Territory Charms[edit]
- Boundary Marking Meditation
- Inextricable Guardian Understanding
- Ranging Wolf Marking
Manipulation Charms[edit]
Defense & Dissembling Charms[edit]
- Mask of White Jade
- Cat Face Presentation
- Labyrinth of the Beast
- Commanded to Fly
- Custom Charm: Commanded to Fly: Upgrade
- Does not require a successful social attack to modify an unnatural mental influence into an unacceptable or impossible order.
Appearance Charms[edit]
Disguise Charms[edit]
- Hide of the Cunning Hunter
Perception Charms[edit]
Craft Charms[edit]
- Flaw-Finding Examination
- Wounded Ward Examination
Essence Charms[edit]
- Eye of the Cat
- Instinctive Essence Prediction
- All Encompassing Sorcerer’s Sight
- Eye on the Spider
Wyld Perception Charms[edit]
- Wyld Sensing Instinct
- Slippery Reality Escape
- Resisting the Lure of Madness
- Wyld Migration Formation
- Eagle Fish Transition Prophecy
- Waxing Steward Lunacy Conquest
Intelligence Charms[edit]
Crafting Charms[edit]
- Luna’s Blessed Hands
- Form Fixing Method
- Custom Charm: Form Fixing Method: Upgrade
- Allows for the removal and the modification of existing moonsilver tattoos.
- Harmony with Reality Technique
- Ritual of Lunar Stability
- Devouring the Fat Belly of Madness
- Clever Lunar Formation Technique
- Impossible Conjunction Sculpture
- Infinite Ingenuity of Luna
- Silvered Artificer’s Deftness (2)
Insight Charms[edit]
- Counting the Elephant’s Wrinkles
- Inevitable Genius Insight
- Lessons in the Blood
- Predator’s Insight
- Perfect Dragon Understanding
Sorcery Charms[edit]
- Silvered Protector Procedures
- The Arts of Alchemy & Enchantment
- The Art of Astrology
- The Art of Bio-Thaumaturgy
- The Art of Geomancy
- The Art of Husbandry
- The Art of Warding & Exorcism
Wyld Charms[edit]
- Still Pond Infliction
- Burgeoning Wyld Infliction
- Form Restoring Memory Invocation
- Eternal Wyld Gift
- Withdrawal of Assumption
- Form Fixing Meditation
- Breathe Deep the World
Wits Charms[edit]
Concealment Charms[edit]
- The Spider’s Trap Door
- Thieving Magpie Prana
- Many Pockets Meditation
- Secure Den Prana
- Invisible Warren Creation
- Essence: 6
- Personal: #
- Peripheral: #
- Committed: 25 motes.
- Graceful, Wicked Assumption (10 motes, Peripheral)
- (Artifact 5, Familiar 3) (15 motes, Peripheral)
10 of Ten
- Compassion: 5
- Cup Grace, 5
- Conviction: 4
- Staff Grace, 4
- Temperance: 5
- Ring Grace, 5
- Valor: 4
- Sword Grace, 4
Compassion, "The Curse of the Mother Hen"[edit]
Merits and Flaws[edit]
- Prodigy
- Craft (2), Lore (5), Medicine (5), Occult (2)
- Hidden Manse (2)
- Priest (Luna) (0)