Mutineers Timeline, Season Two
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Dec 22, 2519- Crossroads-- Repairs are done. Arden has finally managed to get his brain scan and discovers two things. One--he has a second pineal gland in his brain, which he can't explain or understand the purpose of. Two--the Alliance has declared a system-wide quarantine of Blue Sun to contain the 34 Tauri E Transmissible Spongiform Encephalitis (TSEB34), inaccurately called the "Reaver Disease", and the quarantine will be kept until further notice.
We lift off Miranda with a repaired and revamped Summer's Gift and head out for the nearest Cortex Repeater Station so Jake and Rick can broadcast the vids they've captured dirtside. Somehow, word of Miranda has to go out, the news has to keep coming. Brian is still unconscious, strapped to our new ward in med bay. Harry and Shyla are aboard as well, going out into the Black with us. Our plan after we broadcast our vids is to make our way Coreward to get Brian the care he needs.
We get intercepted 55 hours after take off--on December 24th--by the Longbow Class PDF Decatur, formerly the IAV Intrepid of the Alliance Navy. Decatur orders us to heave to and prepare for boarding. We obey. We are met by men in NBC suits and are subjected to a round of exams thorough and invasive enough to necessitate sedating Rina lest she kill someone, and after the results are in, we are declared free of the TSEB.
We learn a few other things. When the quarantine was lowered on Blue Sun, the Alliance pulled all her ships out, leaving the system defenceless against domestic troublemakers. The system's inhabitants quickly devised their own navy, the Planetary Defence Fleet (or PDF) to take up the duties the Allliance abandoned. In some cases, the very ships the PDF acquired were Alliance ships cut loose when the crew showed signs of the TESB. Those that succumbed were dealth with, those that survived severed ties with the Feds, taking the ships with them. Fuel Magnate You Ge of YouGo Industries has thrown his resources and fuel to the PDF and its ultimate goal: the liberation of Blue Sun by leveraged negotiations, backed up by the PDF.
We also learn that Shyla and Harbinger have been working with the PDF, investigating goings-on in Blue Sun. When Shyla is given command of Decatur upon her return, she asks us to join her. We are given 24 hours to discuss it amongst ourselves and after much wrangling between the anti-war/anti-killing half of the crew and the more Resistance-minded, we agree to straddle the fence: we will run blockades with Summer's Gift for the PDF but retain our autonomy to come and go and do good with our ship as we see fit.
Progress - 23 Dec 2519
Rubicon - 27 Dec 2519
Naissance = 28 Dec 2519
Baklava - 12 Jan 2520
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