Character:Coyote's Own
Game: Once more, with feeling!
Character Name: Coyote's Own
Caste: Full Moon Caste, Lunar Exalt
Concept: Goddess of War. Sifu.
- To conquer the Eastern Direction.
- The Seneschals of the Sun Kings (+)
- The memory of her dead Sifu, his goals, motivations and ideals. (+)
- The Sidereal Exalted (-)
- The Immaculate Order (-)
- Solar Bond: Litheroy-The Smiling Sage (Eternal Vow) (True Love) (+)
- Her shadow is always that of a coyote, its' body language matching her own as closely as possible.
To be determined.
Physical Attributes[edit]
- Strength 5
- Dexterity 6
- Stamina 4
Social Attributes[edit]
- Charisma 5
- Manipulation 4
- Appearance 4
Mental Attributes[edit]
- Perception 5
- Intelligence 3
- Wits 4
War Abilities[edit]
- Archery
- Athletics 6
- Awareness 4
- Dodge 6
- Integrity 4
- Martial Arts 6 (Lunar Hero Style, +3) (Scarlet Patterned Battlefield Style, +3)
- Melee
- Resistance 5
- Thrown
- War 6
Life Abilities[edit]
- Craft
- Larceny
- Linguistics 3
- River Speak (Native), Claw Speak, Old Realm, Various Tribal Tongues
- Performance 6
- Presence 4
- Ride 2
- Sail 2
- Socialize
- Stealth 2
- (F) Survival 3
Wisdom Abilities[edit]
- Bureaucracy 2
- Investigation
- Lore 2
- Occult
- Medicine 2
Ally 1[edit]
- Solar Bond (5) (Eternal Vow) (True Love)
Backing 3[edit]
- The Silver Pact, The Seneschals of the Sun Kings.
Contacts 5: Gods and Elementals of the Eastern Direction[edit]
Cult 2[edit]
- Various and assorted people. Worshipped as a Goddess of War.
Face 3[edit]
- A reputable martial artist, Coyote’s Own delights in challenging others to match her skill against theirs.
Reputation 3[edit]
- Coyote’s Own is known for her personal combat skill, and her ability to lead others in war.
Resources 3[edit]
- She cares little for wealth, knowing that she can accumulate fortunes if she wished.
- Humble Mouse Shape
- Towering Beast Form
- Internal Form Mastery
- Subtle Silver Declaration
Strength Charms[edit]
- Wind-Wings Carry Technique
- Tearing Claw Atemi
- Yeddim’s-Back Method
- Yeddim Caravan Backbone
- Roused Bear Throw
- Throat-Baring Hold
- Wasp-Binding Method
- Jaws of the River Dragon
- Flesh-Tearing Entanglement
- Cunning Porcupine Defense
Dexterity Charms[edit]
- Graceful Crane Stance
- Light-Footed Mountain Goat Stance
- Cat-Falling Attitude
- Secure Cat Stepping
- Golden Tiger Stance
- Wary Swallow Method
- Wind-Dancing Method
- Flowing Body Evasion
- Ferocious Warder Approach
- Mother Bear Attitude (Solar Mate)
- Every-Son Guardianship
- Flowing Body Ascension
- Predator Distraction Method
- Snake Body Technique
- Coiled Serpent Strikes
Stamina Charms[edit]
- Might-Bolstering Blow
- Breath-Drinking Executioner Attack
- Scavenger-Wins-the-Egg Defense
Charisma Charms[edit]
- Dog-Tongue Method
- Nature-Reinforcing Allocation
- Sharing the Gifts of Luna
- Wolf Pack Training Technique
- Lesson of the Winter Wolf
- Perfect Fear Scent
- Terrifying Lust Infliction
- Face of the Moon Concealment
- Maintaining the Pack
- Moonlight Curtain Drawn
Manipulation Charms[edit]
- School Becomes Shark Formation
- School in the Reeds Technique
Appearance Charms=[edit]
- Hide of the Cunning Hunter
Perception Charms[edit]
- Diving Hawk Inspiration
- Bird Falls from Flock Targeting
- Wolf Eye Advantage
- Riding the Secret Wind
Wits Charms[edit]
- The Spider’s Trap Door
- Rats in the Basement Style
- Meerkat Alertness Practice
- Furious Unhappy Recourse
- Hungry Eagle Method
- Wasp Sting Blur
- Many-Armed Monkey Style
- Chattering Monkey Patter
- Frantic Monkey Exercise
Martial Art Charms[edit]
Lunar Hero Style[edit]
- Foot-Trapping Counter
- Rabid Beast Attitude
- Thousand Claw Infliction
- Lunar Hero Form
- Armor-Rending Claw Fist
- Crouching Tiger Stance
- Den Mother Method
- Running Through the Herd
- Terrible Wolverine Onslaught
Scarlet Patterned Battlefield Style[edit]
- Unassailable Rebuff Position
- Impeccable Patterned Deployment
- Glance and Stride
- Without Strategy Arrangement
- Fallen Ivory Defense
- Scarlet Patterned Battlefield Form
- Victory of the Cheat
- Singular Escape Stratagem
- Great Thinker’s Defense Maneuver
- The Empress Lives for All
- Permanent Essence: 6
- Personal Motes: 26 of Twenty-Six.
- Peripheral Motes: 64 of Sixty-Four.
Committed Motes: None.
10 of Ten.
- Compassion 4
- Conviction 5
- Temperance 4
- Valor 5