Way of the Gun

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Revision as of 13:31, 29 August 2009 by (talk) (Added <br />)
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Way of the Gun - Uncommon Silver Chi Style (A System Topic)

Ranged: Guns Only (2 Restriction Points)
Default Critical: None (Use the Default Crits of the Gun

  • 1: Calm in Chaos (3 + 1 Color Match + 1 Restriction)

-Shuffle (I)
-Elusive (I)
-Chilling (I) [Color Match]
-Strength of Chi: Damage (II)

  • 2: Fire in Motion/Covering Fire (4 + 1 Color Match + 2 Flaws)

-Strength of Chi: Awareness (I)
-Knockback on a Standard (II)
-Minor Chi Condition: +1 Gold Breath as long as you keep moving (III) [Color Match]
-Flaw: Constant Motion

  • 3: Killing Field (5 + 1 Color Match)

-Chilling (I)
-Minion-Destroying III (III)
-Standard Persistence (II)

  • 4: Freefire Zone (6 + 1 Color Match + 3 Flaws)

-Strength of Chi: Damage (II)
-Secondary Attack (III)
-Perfect Pressure (III) [Color Match]
-Quality Persistence (II)
-Channel: 2 Gold to continue for another round (Free)
-Flaw: Expended Fortune

  • 5: Death in All Directions (7 + +1 Color Match + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 Restriction)

-Ranged Area Attack targeting up to (Favored Chi) Targets (V)
-Dying Condition (VI) [Total Breath Loss] [Color Match]
-Hollow Points (III) [If you would inflict an Organ Hit, your enemy suffers the effects of Ruinous Attack as well)
-Flaws: Autofire Only, Too Much Yin, Weakened Protective Air

((Revision made by Hattori))

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