Character: Cinnabar Mantid
Game: Once more, with feeling!.
Cinnabar Mantid
Caste: No Moon Caste, Lunar Exalted
Concept: First Age Engineer-Technician, Hot Shot Pilot
- To restore this fallen Second Age of Sorrows to the glories of the First Age.
- Flight, Flying Machines, Flying Artifacts (+)
- To be determined in play.
- To be determined in play.
- To be determined in play.
- Solar Bond: X (Eternal Vow) (True Love) (+)
Lunar Tell
- Red, scarlet, crimson. Hair, eyes, fur, scales.
- X
- Strength 5
- (F) Dexterity 6
- (F) Stamina 6
- Charisma 6
- Manipulation 3
- Appearance 5
- (C) Perception 5
- (C) Intelligence 6
- (C) Wits 6
War Abilities
- Archery
- Athletics
- Awareness
- Dodge
- Integrity
- Martial Arts
- Melee
- Resistance
- Thrown
- War
Life Abilities
- Craft
- Larceny
- Linguistics
- Performance
- Presence
- Ride
- Sail
- Socialize
- Stealth
- (C) Survival
Wisdom Abilities
- Bureaucracy
- Investigation
- Lore
- Occult
- Medicine
To Be Determined
- Graceful Crane Stance
- Light Footed Mountain Goat Stance
- Clay Wetting Practice
- Weapon Shaping Method
- Lunar Blade Reconfiguration
- Finding the Needle’s Eye
- Golden Tiger Stance
- Wary Swallow Method
- Wind Dancing Method
- Flowing Body Evasion
- Diligent Hive Imitation
- Flowing Body Ascension
- Luna’s Ubiquitous Panoply
- Mercurial Armadillo Concentration
- Ox Body Technique
- (3x) -1 [], -1 [], Dying [], Dying []
- (3x) -2 [], -2 [], -2 [], -2[], Dying [], Dying []
- Steadfast Yeddim Meditation
- Bear Sleep Technique
- Unstoppable Juggernaut Incarnation
- Luna’s Fortitude
- Silver Lunar Resolution
- Bruise-Relief Method
- Halting the Scarlet Flow
- Moonsilver Absorption
- Purging the Tarnished Silver
- Quicksilver Fortress Form
- Raging Possum Endurance
- Scavenger Wins the Egg Defense
- Lightning Starfish Concentration
- Outworld Forsaking Stance
- Foe Turning Rebuke
- Scathing Lunar Condemnation
- Hard Nosed Denial Style
- Hard Nosed Denial Style (Perfect Defense Vs UMI)
- Lunar Guardian Declaration
- Flaw Finding Examination
- Eagle Eye Advantage
- Wolf Eye Advantage
- Riding the Secret Wind
- Wolf Ear Advantage
- Wyld Sensing Instincts
- Resisting the Lure of Madness
- Wounded Ward Examination
- Slippery Reality Escape
- Luna’s Blessed Hands
- Form Fixing Method
- Harmony with Reality Technique
- Ritual of Lunar Stability
- Righteous Lion Defense
- (Intimacy:) Solar Bond
- (Intimacy:) To be determined during play.
- Inevitable Genius Insight
- Still Pond Infliction
- Burgeoning Wyld Infliction
- Withdrawal of Assumptions
- Eternal Wyld Gift
- Clever Lunar Formation Technique
- Silvered Protector Procedures
- Form Fixing Meditation
- Breath Deep the World
- Form Restoring Memory Invocation
- The Spider’s Trap Door
- Thieving Magpie Prana
- Many Pockets Meditation
- Secure Den Prana
- Meerkat Alertness Practice
- Furious Unhappy Recourse
- Hungry Eagle Method
- Silver Swift Retort
- Serpent’s Tooth Reply
- Wasp Sting Blur
- Many Armed Monkey Style
- Horizon to Horizon Lightning
- Chittering Monkey Patter
- Flitting Moonlight Completion
- Frantic Monkey Exercise
To be determined during play.
- Permanent Essence: 5
- Personal Motes:
- Peripheral Motes:
- Peripheral Motes: Silver Lunar Resolution: 50 of Fifty.
- Committed:
- ???
10 of Ten.
- Compassion: 4
- Conviction: 3
- Temperance: 5
- Valor: 5
Limit Break
Temperance Flaw
"The Curse of the Drunken Monkey"
Combat Values
Defense Values
- Parry DV:
- Dodge DV:
- Parry MDV:
- Dodge MDV:
Soak Values
- Soak, Natural: 6 Bashing, 3 Lethal, 0 Aggravated
- Hardness, Natural: 0 Bashing, 0 Lethal, 0 Aggravated
Health Levels
- -0 []
- -1 [], -1 [], -1 [], -1 [], -1 [], -1 [], -1 [], -1 []
- -2 [], -2 [], -2 [], -2 [], -2 [], -2 [], -2 [], -2 []
- -2 [], -2 [], -2 [], -2 [], -2 [], -2 []
- -4 []
- Incapacitated []
- Dying [], Dying [], Dying [], Dying [], Dying [], Dying []
- Dying [], Dying [], Dying [], Dying [], Dying [], Dying []