Spells and Kiho
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Spells and Kiho
Here you can find a list of new and updated spells for shugenja, tsukai, jakla or whoever might need some extra mystical prowess. New kiho may be found here as well, in addition to new kiho Feats for d20.
- New spells created for d20 L5R as part of my 3.5 Update Project - Shisumo
- Also for my Update project, a master list of all spells available to shugenja, adapted from various sources and balanced for 3.5 usage. - Shisumo
Secret Spells
- Secret spells of the Mantis, part of the 3.5 Update Project. - Shisumo
- A list of all available generic kiho Feats, updated to 3.5 with the help of The Complete Warrior. - Shisumo