Character:Candleflame of Hope Guttering on the Precipice of Oblivion
Candleflame of Hope Guttering on the Precipice of Oblivion
Character in Once More, With Feeling!, played by Segev.
Caste: Midnight
Concept: Surrogate Little Brother to the Lover Clad in the Raiment of Tears
Description pending
To send the Neverborn into Oblivion and save his Liege from her depressing existence.
- His "sister"
- (to be determined)
- (to be determined)
Unnatural Intimacies
(None at this time)
The ground just behind him seems to crumble away, leaving a yawning cliff into the terrible, swirling void of Oblivion that sucks in all light and life, just out of his sight. He stands on this precipice, a happy, precious youth that symbolizes all that is good and right in the world, unaware of his imminent danger, and surely about to take an incautious step backwards; he is out of reach, and cannot be saved. There is no hope.
- Strength 4
- Dexterity 5
- Stamina 5
- Charisma 4
- Manipulation 5
- Appearance 5
- Perception 3
- Intelligence 2
- Wits 5
Caste Abilities
- Integrity 5 (2 bp)
- Performance 3
- Presence 5 (2 bp)
- Resistance 3
- Survival 0
Favored Abilities
- Thrown 5 (2 bp)
- Awareness 5 (2 bp)
- Craft: Fire 4 (2 bp)
- Medicine 4 (1 bp) Specialty: Necrotech 2 (1 bp)
- Occult 5 (1 bp)
Unfavored Abilities
- Athletics 3
- Dodge 3
- Linguistics 3
- Ride 3
- Socialize 2
- Investigation 1
Whispers 5
Candleflame is a quiet and contemplative youth who hears the whispers of the dreaming dead ur-gods clearly. He also knows that they are, in some ways, their own saboteurs.
Liege 4: The Lover Clad in Raiment of Tears
He has spent the last five years acting as a surrogate little brother to his Liege, whom he cares for. He is, however, glad to be finally given a mission of his own.
Artifact 5: Celestial Battle Armor (4 bonus points)
Before she would let her beloved young Deathknight out into the field in the dangerous task of being her emissary, the Lover insisted on cladding him in Oblivion's Panopoly, much like a mother putting a helmet on her son before he rides his bike.
Manse 5: Wellstone of Oblivion's Power (5 bonus points)
This hearthstone is actually only 4 dots, as the Manse (an Inauspicious Citidel with Factory Cathedral capabilities) draws off some of the Hearthstone's power for its own structural potency. The Hearthstone otherwise functions as an Abyssal-aspected Twice-Striking Lightning Prism (p. 88 of Oadenol's Codex)
Manse 3: Gemstone of Mental Health (3 bonus points)
The wood-aspected manse to which this Hearthstone is attuned is within an hour's ride of the Lover's Palace of Crimson Ice, and was her first gift to one of her first Deathknights.
Ally 1: Shoat of the Mire (1 bonus point
He maintains correspondence with her...whichever one she is at any point in time. The Dowager goes through them quickly, much to his sorrow.
Lunar Bond 5: Unknown (free)
Presumably he has one, but he doesn't know of him or her.
- Improvised Assassin's Trick (p. 132)
- Hungry Missile Technique (p. 132)
- Lighting Clutch of the Raptor (p. 133)
- Crypt Bolt Attack (1. 134)
- Blood Before Surrender (p. 138)
- Heart of Darkness (p. 139)
- Lesser Horrors Scorned (p. 140)
- Armor-Calling Kata (p. 146)
- Void-Banished Mail (p. 146)
- Charnel Chirurgeon's Deftness (p. 160)
- First Circle Necromancy (p. 162)
- Master Puppeteer's Knife (Black Treatis p. 30-31)
- Summon Ghost (Black Treatis p. 34-35)
- Second Circle Necromancy (p. 162)
- Shield of Shattering Bones (Black Treatis p. 45)
- Spurring the Beast of War (Black Treatis p. 46)
- Third Circle Necromancy (p. 162)
- Inauspicious Citidel (Black Treatis p. 53)
- Oblivion's Avatar (Black Treatis p. 54)
- Ominous Portent Method (p. 167-168)
Essence: 5
Personal: 23/23
Peripheral: 44/55 (10 committed to Celestial Battle Armor, 1 committed to Void-Banished Mail)
Compassion: 3
Conviction: 2
Temperance: 5 (3 bp)
Valor: 2
Health Levels
-0 [_]
-1 [_] [_]
-2 [_] [_]
-4 [_]
Incapacitated: [_]
Dying: [_] [_] [_]
Experience Points
Spent: 0
Current: 0
Total: 0