Character: Leinhart
Game: Once more, with feeling.
Leinhart Radiata
Caste: Night Caste, Solar Exalted
Concept: Haltan Commando

- To acquire the ways and means to drive the Fair Folk Crusade back into the Wyld.
Natural Intimacies[edit]
- Those under his command. (+)
- To follow the prophecies of his dreams. (+)
- The Kingdom of Halta; The People of Halta (+)
- The Kingdom of Linowan; The People of Linowan (-)
Supernatural Intimacies[edit]
Anima Power[edit]
- As per Solar Night Caste.
Anima Description[edit]
- An aura of ghostly whites and purples, with a gray wolf superimposed upon the Exalt. Sitting there. Waiting. So still as to be invisible before suddenly moving. His footsteps leaving frozen imprints in the ground below as he moves; quickly evaporating into nothingness His anima as much light as shadow, with the reflective edge of a dagger's edge glittering in the darkness blackly.
- Strength 4
- Dexterity 5
- Stamina 5
- Charisma 5
- Manipulation 3
- Appearance 4
- Perception 5
- Intelligence 3
- Wits 5
Dawn Caste Abilities[edit]
- Archery
- Martial Arts
- (F) Melee 5 (War Boomerang, +3)
- (F) Thrown 5 (War Boomerang, +3)
- (F) War 5 (Ata-Beast Troops, +3)
Zenith Caste Abilities[edit]
- (F) Integrity 5 (Gods, +3) (Elementals, +3) (Fair Folk, +3) (Lunars, +3)
- Performance 2
- Presence 4
- Resistance 5
- (F) Survival 6
Twilight Caste Abilities[edit]
- Craft
- Investigation 2 (Observation, +1)
- (F) Lore 5
- Medicine 2
- (F) Occult 5
Night Caste Abilities[edit]
- (C) Athletics 5
- (C) Awareness 5 (Join Battle!, +3) (Join War!, +3) (Unexpected Attacks, +3)
- (C) Dodge 5 (Unarmored, +3)
- (C) Larceny
- (C) Stealth 5
Eclipse Caste Abilities[edit]
- Bureaucracy 2
- Linguistics 5
- Forest Tongue (Native), River Speak, Old Realm, Claw Speak, (Emerald Monkey), (Tree Leopard)
- Ride
- Sail
- Socialize 2
Ally 2, Familiar 3: Sabin[edit]
- Tree Leopard, Ata Beast, God-Blooded
Ally 2, Familiar 3: Ronal[edit]
- Tree Leopard, Ata Beast, God-Blooded
Ally 2, Familiar 3: Nikko[edit]
- Emerald Monkey, Ata Beast, God-Blooded
Arsenal 3[edit]
- +2 Bonus to Unit’s Might
Artifact 2: Skin Mount Amulets (x5)[edit]
- Hearthstone: Stone of the Hunt (1)
- Hearthstone: Opal of the Hunted (2)
- Hearthstone: Stone of the Sure Path (3)
- Hearthstone: Orb of the Unnoticed Predator (3)
- Hearthstone: Wilderness Gem (4)
Artifact 5: Ever-Cascading War Boomerang[edit]
- (Melee) Speed 3, Accuracy +4, Damage +7L, Defense +3, Rate 5, Piercing
- (Thrown) Speed 3, Accuracy +4, Damage +5L, Rate 4, Range120 yards, Piercing
- Able to split into (up to) 10 duplicates of itself. Automatically returns to wielder if thrown.
- Applicable weapon for both Melee and Thrown Charms regardless of which ability is used to attack.
- Orichalcum and Jade Construction
- Attunement: 10 motes
- Activation: 8 motes (per action)
Artifact 5: Infinite Resplendence Amulet[edit]
- Orichalcum, Moonsilver, Starmetal, Jade
- Attunement: 5 motes
Backing 3: Haltan Military, The Kingdom of Halta[edit]
Command 3: Emerald Monkeys[edit]
- Magnitude 3 (Might 3) Unit of God-Blooded Ata-Beast Emerald Monkeys
Command 3: Tree Leopards[edit]
- Magnitude 3 (Might 3) Unit of God-Blooded Ata-Beast Tree Leopards
Contacts 4: The Kingdom of Halta[edit]
- Family, Government, High Society, Intelligence, Military
Contacts 1: The Kingdom of Linowan[edit]
- Outlaws
Cult 3: The Kingdom of Halta[edit]
Influence 3: The Kingdom of Halta[edit]
Manse 1[edit]
- Wood Aspected
- Hearthstone: Stone of the Hunt
Manse 2[edit]
- Wood Aspected
- Hearthstone: Opal of the Hunted
Manse 3[edit]
- Wood Aspected
- Hearthstone: Stone of the Sure Path
Manse 3[edit]
- Lunar Aspected
- Hearthstone: Orb of the Unnoticed Predator
Manse 4[edit]
- Lunar Aspected
- Hearthstone: Wilderness Gem
Mentor 4: Rain Deathflyer[edit]
Mentor 4: Silver Python[edit]
Resources 5[edit]
Dawn Caste: Melee[edit]
- One Weapon, Two Blows
- Peony Blossom Attack
- Iron Whirlwind Attack
- Invincible Fury of the Day
- Call the Blade
- Summoning the Loyal Steel
- Whirling Dervish Method (x3)
- Golden Blade Art (x3)
- Petal Strewn Warrior Path
- Petal Strewn Warrior Path (Iron Whirlwind Attack)
Dawn Caste: Thrown[edit]
- Triple Distance Attack Technique
- Triple Distance Attack Technique (Type: Permanent)
- Returning Weapon Concentration
- Call the Blade
Dawn Caste: War[edit]
- Rout Stemming Gesture
- Commanding the Ideal Celestial Army
- Commanding the Ideal Celestial Army (Essence x 10 miles)
- Mob Dispersing Rebuke
- Fury Inciting Presence
- General of the All Seeing Sun
- Heroism Encouraging Presence
- Tiger Warrior Training Technique
- Legendary Warrior Curriculum
- Ideal Battle Knowledge Prana
- “Hive Mind Horror Tactics”
- “Glorious Carnage Typhoon”
- “All Consuming Encirclement’
- “Omnipresent Overlord Technique”
- “Omnipresent Overlord Technique” (Self as Solo Unit)
- “Omnipresent Overlord Technique” (Essence in Units)
- Swift Solar Strategy
- Incontestable Solar Strategy
- Perfected Tiger Claw Arrangement
- Bronze Tiger Litter Technique
- “Legion Dispersing Howl”
Zenith Caste: Integrity[edit]
- Integrity Protecting Prana
- Destiny Manifesting Method
- Temptation Resisting Stance
- Elusive Dream Defense
- Transcendent Hero’s Meditation
- Spirit Maintaining Maneuver
- Unstoppable Destiny Outburst
- Lamp of Unyielding Faith
- Inviolable Edicts of the Sun
Zenith Caste: Survival[edit]
- Friendship with Animals Approach
- Spirit Tied Pet
- Spirit Tied Pet (Essence in Familiars)
- Bestial Traits Technique
- Hardship Surviving Mendicant Spirit
- Food Gathering Exercise
- Trackless Region Navigation
- Unshakeable Bloodhound Technique
- Traceless Passage
- Eye Deceiving Camouflage
- City Moving Secrets (x5)
- Refuge Finding Intuition
- Greater Blessings of the Day
- “Loyal Beast Friend Enlightenment”
- “Erudite Beast Mind Expansion”
- “Unstoppable Beast Warrior Indoctrination”
Twilight Caste: Lore[edit]
- Chaos Repelling Pattern
- Wyld Shaping Technique
- Wyld Cauldron Technique
- Essence Lending Method
- Will Bolstering Method
- Order Affirming Blow
- Immanent Solar Glory (x5)
- Chaos Warding Benison (x2)
- Hero Draws a Second Breath
- Binding Golden Edict
- Eternal Golden Panoply
Twilight Caste: Occult[edit]
- Spirit Detecting Glance
- Sprit Cutting Attack
- Ghost Eating Technique
- All Encompassing Sorcerer’s Sight
- Essential Nature Discovery
Night Caste: Athletics[edit]
- Graceful Crane Stance
- Monkey Leap Technique
- Soaring Crane Leap
- Soaring Crane Leap (Duration: One Scene)
- Foe Vaulting Method
- Thunderbolt Attack Prana
- Thunderbolt Attack Prana (Type: Reflexive)
- Lightning Speed
- Racing Hare Method
- Spider Foot Style
- Feather Foot Style
- Crashing Retribution Blow
- Sunbeam Pursuing Alacrity (x2)
Night Caste: Awareness[edit]
- Keen Sense Technique (x3)
- Surprise Anticipation Method
- Treasure Warding Caution
- Attentive Courtier Attitude
Night Caste: Dodge[edit]
- Shadow Over Water
- Seven Shadow Evasion
- Reflex Sidestep Technique
- Flow Like Blood
- Leaping Dodge Method
- Dancing Shadow Evasion
- Shaded Ally Intercession
Night Caste: Larceny[edit]
- Flawless Pick Pocketing Technique
- Stealing from Plain Sight Spirit
- Lock Opening Touch
- Door Evading Technique
- Distracting Glory Legerdemain
- Elsewhere Fingers
- Wonder Appropriating Concentration
- Wall Surpassing Method
Night Caste: Stealth[edit]
- Easily Overlooked Presence Method
- Mental Invisibility Technique
- Vanishing from Mind’s Eye Method
- Invisible Statue Spirit
- The Sun is Always There (x2)
- Surreptitious Golden Needle (x2)
- Slipping Elsewhere Trick
Eclipse Caste: Linguistics[edit]
- Letter Within A Letter Technique
- Discerning Savant's Eye
- Sagacious Reading of Intent
- To Be Determined
- Essence: 5
- Personal Motes: 25 of Twenty-Five.
- Peripheral Motes: 36 (15) of Sixty-Three.
- Peripheral Motes: Immanent Solar Glory: 39 of Fifty.
- Peripheral Motes: Skin Mount Amulets: 26 of Twenty-Six
Committed Essence[edit]
- 5 motes, Peripheral: Infinite Resplendence Amulet
- 10 motes, Peripheral: Ever-Cascading War Boomerang
9 of Ten
- Compassion: 4
- Conviction: 5
- Temperance: 4
- Valor: 5
Limit Break[edit]
Valor Flaw[edit]
"Foolhardy Contempt"[edit]
[] [] [] [] [], [] [] [] [] []
Combat Values[edit]
Defense Values[edit]
- Parry DV: 8
- Dodge DV: 9
Social Defense Values[edit]
- Parry MDV: 5 (Charisma, Presence)
- Dodge MDV: 10
- +2 Dodge MDV vs Lunars, Gods, Elementals, Fair Folk
Soak Values[edit]
- Soak, Natural: 5 Bashing, 3 Lethal, 0 Aggravated
Hardness Values[edit]
- Hardness, Natural: 0 Bashing, 0 Lethal, 0 Aggravated
Health Levels[edit]
- -0 []
- -1 [], -1 []
- -2 [], -2 []
- -4 []
- Incapacitated []
Ever-Cascading War Boomerang (as Melee Weapon)[edit]
- Speed 3, Accuracy 17, Damage 11L, Defense +3, Rate 5, Piercing
Ever-Cascading War Boomerang (as Thrown Weapon)[edit]
- Speed 3, Accuracy 17, Damage 9L, Rate 4, Range 120 yards, Piercing
Physical Merits[edit]
- (1) Ambidextrous
- (3) Fleet of Foot
- (3) Legendary Ability: Survival
Mental Merits[edit]
- (5) Prodigy: Survival
Background Merits[edit]
- (2) Hidden Manse (x5)
Combat Merits[edit]
- (3) Improved Join Battle
- (3) Tactical Instincts
- (4) Quick Draw
Supernatural Merits[edit]
- (1) Alternative Divination (Oneiromancy)
- (3) Lucid Dreamer
- (4) Past Lives
- (5) Luck
Spiritual Flaws[edit]
- (8) Intolerance: Linowan