Scions of Heaven/The Exalted

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The Exalted

No one remembers the origins of the Exalted after the Great War, though many former Dynastic Dragonblooded may. However what is less known is what happened to them? During the Great War the Abyssals and their Lords were destroyed with such finality the Neverborn were unsure what happened. All over Creation the Solars were not as frequent as some had hoped or not. Still those that were active in Creation were hunted down quickly and their shards vanished. The Lunars who had long since survived the Usurpation, the Contagion, didn't survive the Great War, hunted down like the Solars their shards were taken and contained, but by what and who, no one knows. Only the Sidereal know and they are under a powerful compulsions to never reveal it, and if they do death comes quickly. During the Abyssal's conquests the Infernals had been tearing apart the Realm setting Dragonblooded against dragonblooded and in the end the Infernals were the first to be removed from Creation. Since access to Malfeas is controlled strictly by the Ebon Empress no one knows Lillun was taken and the Yozi were punished harshly for their attempts.

Of all the Exalted only the Dragonblooded cannot disappear, their exaltations cannot be contained or held and as they have since the Primordial War, they have been Exalting, however like the Anathema it is a death sentence to exist, so they die quickly when they Exalt as always an Ebon Shadow Scythe is somehow always nearby.

It is said that when a mortal enters the Audience Chamber of the Ebon Empress he sometimes feels anger and sadness of the place. It is rare of such mortals to live beyond that point though, some are never seen again, and others are found dead miles from the city.