Character: Ascending Shield of the Sorrowful Redoubt
Game: Once more, with feeling.
Ascending Shield of the Sorrowful Redoubt
Caste: Dawn Caste, Solar Exalted
Concept: Immaculate Swordsman, Master of War
Theme Song:

Weapon drawn.
- To break the Second Balorian Crusade upon his armies and his sword.
Natural Intimacies
- Rathess, The City Of (Protection) (+)
- Rathess, Solar Circle (Loyalty) (+)
- Rathess, Dragon Kings (+)
Supernatural Intimacies
- Lunar Bond: Amethyst Heavens (Eternal Vow) (True Love) (+)
- X
- Strength 4
- Dexterity 6
- Stamina 4
- Charisma 5
- Manipulation 3
- Appearance 4
- Perception 4
- Intelligence 4
- Wits 5
Dawn Caste Abilities
- (C) Archery
- (C) Martial Arts
- (C) Melee 7 (Grand Daiklaives, +3)
- (C) Thrown
- (C) War 7 (Personal Forces, +3) (Rathess Military, +3)
Zenith Caste Abilities
- (F) Integrity 5
- (F) Performance 4
- (F) Presence 4
- Resistance 5
- Survival 3
Twilight Caste Abilities
- Craft
- Investigation 3
- (F) Lore 5 (Training, +3)
- Medicine 3
- Occult 5
Night Caste Abilities
- (F) Athletics 5 (Feats of Strength, +3) (Leaping, +3)
- (F) Awareness 5 (Join Battle!, +3) (Unexpected Attacks, +3) (Hearing, +3) (Vibration Sense, +3)
- (F) Dodge 7 (Unarmored, +3)
- Larceny
- Stealth
Eclipse Caste Abilities
- Bureaucracy 2
- Linguistics 4
- High Realm (Native), Low Realm, Old Realm, Forest Tongue, River Speak
- Ride
- Sail
- Socialize 4
Ally 3: Amethyst Heavens
- No Moon Caste, Tattooed Lunar Exalt
- Lunar Bond (5), Eternal Vow, True Love
Allies: Dragon-Blooded Companions
Ally 3: Mnemon Dethor
- Earth Aspect Dragon-Blooded Exalt
Ally 3: Mnemon Juin
- Earth Aspect Dragon-Blooded Exalt
Allies: Rathess, Solar Circle
Ally 4: X
- Zenith Caste Solar Exalt
Ally 4: X
- Twilight Caste Solar Exalt
Ally 4: X
- Night Caste Solar Exalt
Ally 4: X
- Eclipse Caste Solar Exalt
Arsenal 4: Personal Forces
- +3 Might Bonus
Arsenal 4: Rathess, The Military
- +3 Might Bonus
Artifact 2: Hearthstone Bracers
- White Jade and Orichalcum Construction
- +4 Dodge Dice, +2 Damage, -1 Speed
- Attunement: 5 motes
Artifact 6 (Legendary): Resounding Silence (Grand Daiklaive)
- (Grand Daiklaive) Speed 4, Accuracy +8, Damage +16L /5, Defense +6, Rate 5, Disarming, Overwhelming, Piercing, Reach
- White Jade and Orichalcum Construction
- +1 Difficulty to Resist Knockdown and Resist Stun caused by the weapon.
- Cuts through charms and sorcery (and necromancy) with a contested roll; provides 5 automatic successes to its' wielders roll to negate. Cuts through shaping effects as a perfect effect, both offensively and defensively.
- Perception of the above effects is automatic, constant and a perfect effect in its' own right. Standard contested effect rules apply if concealing effects are used; provides 5 automatic successes to its' wielders roll to perceive.
- Hearthstone: Jewel of the Flying Heart
- Attunement: 15 motes
Artifacts: Tattoos
Artifact 3: Orichalcum Ink Tattoo
- Dexterity +3, Dodge +4, Dodge (Unarmored) +4
- Counts against charm adder dice pool limits, even as they retain the ability to exceed them.
- Attunement: 3 motes
Artifact 3: Orichalcum Ink Tattoo
- Strength +3, Melee +4, Melee (Grand Daiklaive) +4
- Counts against charm adder dice pool limits, even as they retain the ability to exceed them.
- Attunement: 3 motes
Artifacts: Implants
Artifact 5: Prosthetics of Clockwork Elegance
- +6 Dexterity, Full Body Neutral Reconstruction
- Counts against the dice adder cap, even as it retains the ability to exceed it.
- Attunement: 15 motes
Backing 5: Rathess, The City Of
- Ascending Shield is one of the most important figures in the city. While his authority is not absolute, he can influence the activities of the entire group in important ways.
Command 5: Personal Forces
- Magnitude 7, Might 3
- Loyal to himself personally, with Rathess falling a distant third.
Command 5: Rathess, The Military
- Magnitude 7, Might 3
- Loyal to himself personally, with an abstract loyalty to Rathess.
Contacts 5: Rathess, The City Of
Contacts 5: Silver Pact, The
Cult 3: Rathess, The City Of
Followers 5: Rathess, The City Of
- 10,000 mortal extras, loyal to him personally and Rathess in abstract.
Henchmen 5: Rathess, The Military
- Six Dragon-Blooded, loyal to himself personally and Rathess in abstract.
Influence 4: Rathess, The City Of
Manses 3: Rathess, The City Of
- Six hearthstone dots, with a maximum of a single 3-dot hearthstone.
- Hearthstone: Gem of Visitations (Air) (1)
- Hearthstone: Jewel of the Flying Heart (Air) (1)
- Hearthstone: Gem of Synchronicity (Earth) (1)
- Hearthstone: Gemstone of the Brother's Bond (Earth) (3)
Panoply 4: Rathess, The City Of
Resources 7 (Legendary) (Wealth 5)
Retainers 5: Personal Forces
Retainers 5: Rathess, The Military
Dawn Caste: Melee Charms
- One Weapon, Two Blows
- Peony Blossom Attack
- Iron Whirlwind Attack
- Invincible Fury of the Dawn [x3] (+2 Attacks) (+Essence Attacks) (+Willpower Attacks)
- Call the Blade
- Summoning the Loyal Steel [x2] (Reflexive)
- Iron Raptor Technique [x2] (Supplemental)
- Blazing Solar Bolt [x3] (7m) (Supplemental)
- Dipping Swallow Defense
- Solar Counter Attack
- Ready in Eight Directions Stance
- (Custom Charm) (Scene-Length Counter-Attack) (7m, 1wp) (Melee 5, Essence 4) (Reflexive)
- Sharp Light of Judgment
- Gilded Champion Refuge [x2]
- Indomitable Puissance [x2]
Dawn Caste: War Charms
- Rout Stemming Gesture
- Commanding the Ideal Celestial Army
- Mob Dispersing Rebuke
- Fury Inciting Presence
- General of the All Seeing Sun
- Heroism Encouraging Presence
- Tiger Warrior Training Technique
- Legendary Warrior Curriculum
- Ideal Battle Knowledge Prana
- Swift Solar Strategy
- Incontestable Solar Strategy
- Perfected Tiger Claw Arrangement
- Bronze Tiger Litter Technique
- “Hive Mind Horror Tactics”
- “Glorious Carnage Typhoon”
- “All Consuming Encirclement”
- “Omnipresent Overlord Technique” [x3] (Essence in Units) (Self as Solo Unit)
Zenith Caste: Integrity Charms
- Integrity Protecting Prana
- Righteous Lion Defense (Rathess, The City Of)
- Righteous Lion Defense (Solar Circle)
- Phoenix Renewal Tactic (Valor)
- Temptation Resisting Stance
- Elusive Dream Defense
- Transcendent Hero’s Meditation
- Sun King Radiance
- Spirit Maintaining Maneuver
- Unhesitating Dedication
- Hero’s Purpose Meditation
Twilight Caste: Lore Charms
- Harmonious Academic Methodology
- Legendary Scholar Curriculum
- Immanent Solar Glory [x5]
- Wonder Working Syllabus
- Hero Draws a Second Breath
- Eternal Golden Panoply
Twilight Caste: Occult Charms
- Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
- Spirit Detecting Glance
- Spirit Cutting Attack
- Ghost Eating Technique
- Sorcerer’s Gilded Invocation
- Emerald Essence Assimilation
- Magic Defying Mudra
Twilight Caste: Occult Charms: Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
- Commanding Presence of Fire
- Emerald Circle Banishment
- Emerald Counter Magic
- Incantation of Effective Restoration
- Infallible Messenger
Night Caste: Athletics Charms
- Graceful Crane Stance
- Monkey Leap Technique
- Soaring Crane Leap [x2] (Scene Length)
- Foe Vaulting Method [x3] (+Athletics Dice) (+Athletics Success) (+Willpower Dice)
- Thunderbolt Attack Prana [x2] (Reflexive)
- Spider Foot Style
- Feather Foot Style
- Eagle Wing Style [x3] (Both Hands Available) (No Requirement for Movement)
- Immovable Righteousness
- Perfect Poise Stance
Night Caste: Awareness Charms
- Keen Sense Technique [x3]
- Treasure Warding Caution
Night Caste: Dodge Charms
- Shadow Over Water
- Seven Shadow Evasion
- Reflex Sidestep Technique
- Flow Like Blood
- Leaping Dodge Method
- Dancing Shadow Evasion
- Shaded Ally Intercession [x2] (One Action) (One Scene)
- None.
- Essence: 5
- Personal Motes: 25 of Twenty-Five.
- Peripheral Motes: 23 (41 Committed) of Sixty-Four.
- Peripheral Motes: Immanent Solar Glory: 50 of Fifty.
Committed Motes
- 15 motes - Prosthetics of Clockwork Elegance
- 15 motes - "Resounding Silence" (Grand Daiklaive)
- 5 motes - Hearthstone Bracers
- 3 motes - Orichalcum Ink Tattoo (Dexterity / Dodge / Unarmored)
- 3 motes - Orichalcum Ink Tattoo (Strength / Melee / Grand Daiklaives)
10 of Ten
- Compassion: 3
- Conviction: 5
- Temperance: 5
- Valor: 6
Limit Break
Valor Flaw
"Foolhardy Contempt"
0 of 10.
Combat Values
Defense Values
- Parry DV: 21
- Dodge DV: 21
Social Defense Values
- Parry MDV: 5
- Dodge MDV: 10
Soak Values
- Soak, Natural: 4 Bashing, 2 Lethal, 0 Aggravated
Hardness Values
- Hardness, Natural: 0 Bashing, 0 Lethal, 0 Aggravated
Health Levels
- -0 []
- -1 [], -1 []
- -2 [], -2 []
- -4 []
- Incapacitated []
"Resounding Silence" (Grand Daiklaive)
- Speed 3, Accuracy 43, Damage 22L /5, Defense +6, Rate 5, Overwhelming, Piercing, Reach
- None.
Physical Merits
- [3] Legendary Attribute: Dexterity
Mental Merits
- [6] Acute Sense: Hearing: +3
- [3] Legendary Ability: Dodge
- [3] Legendary Ability: Melee
- [3] Legendary Ability: War
- [5] Prodigy: Melee
Spiritual Merits
- [3] Paragon of Virtue: Valor
Background Merits
- [3] Legendary Background: Artifact 6: "Resounding Silence"
- [6] Legendary Background: Resources 7
Combat Merits
- [2] Favored Weapon: "Resounding Silence"
- [3] Improved Join Battle: +3
- [4] Quick Draw: Reflexive, No Penalty
- [3] Tactical Instincts
Supernatural Merits
- [5] Special Sense: Vibration Sense: (Perception + Awareness, x 100 yards)
Stunt Merits
- [2] Signature Style: "Eyes Wide Closed"
Mental Flaws
- [3] Amnesia: Unable to remember his past lives.
Spiritual Flaws
- [2] Code of Honor