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Hello! <a href="">junk mail advertising ambien</a> ,

Hello! <a href="">long term use of ambien</a> ,

Derived Values

Action Dice: 2d6

Vitality Points: 23

Wound Points: 10

Fortitude: +4

Reflexes: +8

Willpower: +10

Stress Threshold: 15

Subdual Threshold: 10

Knowledge Check: +10

Request Check: +8

Gear Check: +9

Defense: 12

Initiative: +7

Base Attack Bonus: +5

Unarmed: +6

Melee: +6

Ranged: +7

Weapon Proficiencies: Blunt, Handgun (forte), Shotgun (forte), Unarmed

Primary Weapon: Remington Model 870P 12g (Damage 5d4, E/T 1/20, Ammo 7S40, Rec 25, Rng 30 ft., SZ/H S/2h, Qualities DEP, DST, IMP, TKD, Upgrades: none)

Secondary Weapon: S&W 5906 9mm P (Damage 1d10+1, E/T 1/20, Ammo 15M4, Rec 15, Rng 25 ft., SZ/H D/1h, Qualities CMP, Upgrades: ?)

Armor and Protective Gear: Raid Jacket (Armor Type P, DR 2/4, Resistances -, DP +0, ACP +0, Speed -, Notice/Search DC 18D, Upgrade: ?)

Speed: 30 ft.


Acrobatics +3/+4 (2 Ranks, +1 STR/+2 DEX, Result Cap 20)

Analysis +16/+15 (10 Ranks, +3 INT/+2 WIS, +3 Insight bonus, Result Cap 50, Threat 18-20)

Athletics +5/+4 (4 Ranks, +1 STR/+0 CON, Result Cap 30)

Bureaucracy +3 (2 Ranks, +1 CHA, Result Cap 20)

Computers +4 (1 Rank, +3 INT, Result Cap 20)

Cultures (North America, Central America) +4 (1 Rank, +3 INT, Result Cap 20)

Drive (Standard/Personal Ground Vehicles, Animals) +8 (6 Ranks, +2 DEX, Result Cap 30)

Electronics +4/+3 (1 Rank, +3 INT/+2 WIS, Result Cap 20)

Impress +3 (2 Ranks, +1 CHA, Result Cap 20)

Intimidate +8/+9 (7 Ranks, +1 STR/+2 WIS, Result Cap 40)

Investigation +14/+13 (10 Ranks, +2 WIS/+1 CHA, +2 Insight bonus, Result Cap 50, Threat 19-20)

Mechanics +4/+3 (1 Rank, +3 INT/+2 WIS, Result Cap 20)

Medicine +12/+10 (6 Ranks, +3 INT/+2 WIS, +3 Insight bonus, Result Cap 30, Threat 18-20)

Networking +7/+6 (5 Ranks, +2 WIS/+1 CHA, Result Cap 30)

Notice +4 (0 Ranks, +2 WIS, +2 Insight bonus, Result Cap 15, +2 Error)

Profession (Police Detective) +2 (1 Rank, +1 CHA, Result Cap 20)

Resolve +5/+7 (5 Ranks, +0 CON/+2 WIS, Result Cap 30)

Science (Chemistry, Pharmacology, Genetics) +8 (5 Ranks, +3 INT, Result Cap 30)

Search +12 (9 Ranks, +3 INT, Result Cap 50)

Security +7 (2 Ranks, +3 INT, +2 Insight bonus, Result Cap 20, Threat 19-20)

Sense Motive +10/+9 (8 Ranks, +2 WIS/+1 CHA, Result Cap 40)

Sneak +7/+6 (5 Ranks, +2 DEX/+1 CHA, Result Cap 30)

Streetwise +7/+6 (5 Ranks, +2 WIS/+1 CHA, Result Cap 30)

Survival +3/+2 (1 Rank, +2 WIS/+1 CHA, Result Cap 20)

Tactics +3/+2 (1 Rank, +2 WIS/+1 CHA, Result Cap 20)

Interests: Racing (anything), Italian Cooking, Horseback riding, Martial Arts


Origin Abilities: +2 with skill checks to determine surprise, +2 insight bonus with Reflex checks, 2 free hints per session, +2 insight bonus with Analysis and Notice checks

Class Abilities: CSI, Custom Ride, Fight On, Human Nature, Keen, Little Details (1/session), Priority Request (Electronics or Resources), Sources I, Sympathetic

Feats: Advanced Skill Mastery (Examiner), Always Get Your Man, CQB Basics, Daredevil, Examiner, Private Eye, my Boom Stick!


Lifestyle: 2

Possessions: 4 (2 Caliber I slots, 15 common items)

Spending Cash: 2 ($400)

Currently Carrying:

Remington Model 870P 12g III (7.3 lbs., 30 XP)

S&W Model 5906 9mm P II (Use stats for H&K USP 9mm P, 2 Upgrades, 1.7 lbs., 20 XP)

Raid Jacket II (1 Upgrade, 7 lbs., 20 XP)

Tactical Radio I (1 lbs. each, 10 XP)

Forensics Kit I (10 lbs., 10 XP)

handcuffs, 20 zip ties (1 lbs., 2 XP)

Total Weight: 28 lbs.


Current Condition

-6 vitality points

10 stress damage