Once more with feeling/Denandsor Council/Cabinet/Ministry/Defense & Logistics/Army

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Once more, with feeling!
Ministry of Defense & Logistics

Solitary Talon's Regulars[edit]

The Regulars' Regimental Colors

Solitary Talon's personal troops, they have been partially integrated into the unified Denandsor military command structure.

Special Forces[edit]

Commanded by Dragonlord Asidisi Phame.


Commanded by Dragonlord Heisen Lilaze.

Heavy Infantry[edit]

Commanded by Dragonloard Isar Malach.


Commanded by Dragonlord Larna Eyaso.

Artillery & Warstriders[edit]

Commanded by Dragonlord Valish Carna.

Anshu's Auxiliaries[edit]

The Auxiliaries' Regimental Colors

Comprised mainly of the refugees trained by Anshu during the March to Denandsor, the Auxiliaries are not as powerful a force as the Regulars, but their drills every Marsday morning keep their skills sharp and their sense of comradeship high. With proper leadership, they can be a force to be reckoned with. Built primarily of former Nexans, the unit song is Nexus Men.