Morturi: Tifernum

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Morturi Te Salutant: Main Page -> Morturi: Premade Battles -> Tifernum

Entry Cost[edit]

The Tifernum Battle has no Entry Fee.


5000 Denarii to each participating school.

An additional 5000 Denarii to the victorious school.


The Battle is for two teams, each of eight Gladiators.

One school (dubbed "the armies of Scipio Barbatus) may include Gladiators of the following roles only: Sagitarius, Peltast, Provocator, Fanatic Martialis. Additionally, the School may hire up to six gladiators from the Legions faction at cost of 750 Denarii per gladiator, with each Gladiator of Palus rank, with Tricks chosen by the School, and hired as Auctoritatii for this battle only.

The other school (dubbed "the barbarous Samnites) may include Gladiators of the following roles only: Barbarian, Samnite, Hoplomachus, Secutor, Fast Beast, Large Beast, Fanatic Volturnus. Additionally, the School may hire up to six Samnite gladiators at cost of 750 Denarii per gladiator, with each Gladiator of Palus rank, with Tricks chosen by the School, and hired as Auctoritatii for this battle only.

Victory Conditions[edit]

The Battle ends when all the Gladiators of one school have been taken out of action.

Arena and Deployment[edit]

The arena is 20 x 20 squares. Each team has a 1 square wide deployment zone along opposing board edges. The arena itself is scattered with various obstacles to simulate the battlefield (barricades, bushes, etc.) the nature and position of which are determined by the Imperator player.

Special Conditions[edit]

This scenario has the "No Surrender" rule.

Designer Comments[edit]

This is an all out pitched battle, fought to the death! Even though the auctoritatii on offer are expensive, the Lanistae may want to consider them anyway, to avoid risking their own precious fighters' survival, though doing so is always going to be weighing profit versus risk.

Its worth noting that this battle is going to have a lot of heavy gladiators in it, and not many light.

Imperator players are encouraged to come up with historical reenactments of their own!


This page created by Asklepios.