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April 20, 1932
Report to Pentheus

The area around the containment field was occupied by roughly twenty-seven individuals.
As the time drew near for the trial to begin, the air seemed 'charged'. Although there was a great sense of anticipation, this was most likely due to the tremendous current flowing from the 'leyline' to the containment field. I mention both of these elements only because they may have had some influence on what was to occur later.
About fifteen minutes later, the volunteer entered the containment field, and the trial began in earnest.
Without any particular warning, a great mass (as far as I could tell) descended from the sky and entered the containment field from above. The thing's descent appeared to slow as it approached the field. At this point, we all received a fairly good look at the creature. The thing was quite large (nearly filling the field) and possessed a vast number of tentacle-like appendages.
Upon glimpsing the creature, three to five individuals, for whatever reason, fired upon it. Either all of the shots missed (which seems unlikely given the creature's size) or the bullets had no effect. Two others ran away from the field at this time. Upon touching down, the creature rapidly grabbed the volunteer and engulfed him.
This set off another wave of activity from the spectators. Approximately seven more people fled the scene, including one of the tattooed ... 'protectors?'.
Six others had the opposite response and surged towards the containment field. Others, including one of my coworkers, the hardened veteran, Rebecca Hopkins, stood transfixed. Since she has special skills in this area, I slapped her to bring her to her senses.
This seemed to have effect and she was able to use her gifts to protect four of the six who had raced towards the containment field.
Two people touched the fence and were knocked backwards with some force. Their fate is uncertain.
During this time, the creature was completely trapped within the containment field. Several times it thrust its massive bulk and flailing tentacles against the field and was repulsed each time.
Noticing the creature's plight, I was able to help calm the panic that had infected people. I sought out Mr. Jamison, and he entered the containment field. The creature did not detect him. Somehow utilizing an artifact, Mr. Jamison caused the creature to, apparently, disappear. When he left the containment field, he appeared confused. Wanting to preserve a strong front, I went to assist him, when I noticed that his eyes had turned completely black. I called forth my colleagues (who have more experience in these matters). Rebecca indicated that he had become 'possessed'. Prof. Butters attacked the unresisting Mr. Jamison. Jamison (along with the artifact he had taken into the field) was summarily tossed back inside the containment field.

Notes and Recommendations:

1) The containment field seemed a complete success.
2) The artifact used to 'destroy' the creature was, at best, a qualified success and needs more study.
3) It may be best to restrict/eliminate observation.
4) The panic may have been partly caused by the level of anticipation that had developed.
5) Something about the creature may also be responsible (pheremones?) That both Rebecca and one of the tattooed men was affected is indicative that there may be some external effect caused by the creature's presence.
6) For future tests, the containment field may need to be larger, depending on the variance in size of creature's brought forth.
7) The creature seemed quick and dangerous inside the containment field. The volunteer was engulfed quite quickly.
8) The creature did not appear intelligent. It repeatedly flailed against the field and did not seem to engage in any acts of reflection.
9) It is probably not a good thing that I was able to take control of the situation. In future tests, it may be a good idea to have non-employees more thoroughly restricted.