User:Bill/Bounty-head Zyzx

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Zyzx, a former black marketeer and arms dealer that played every side against the middle, has fallen from favor with the hutts and they want him in a pain amplifier bad. The bounty on his return, alive, is enough to live on a pleasure moon for the next hundred years.

You're not the only bounty hunter on the job though. Some are working with you and a lot are out to get Zyzx for themselves.

This will be a short series, probably not more than a dozen sessions, focusing on the pursuit and capture of Zyzx. Several sessions may include encounters with other bounty hunters, agents of the empire, and other adventurers; which may lead this into a longer campaign depending on the direction that the players take.


Your group will take on the roles of bounty hunters that are pooling their resources to track and capture Zyxz, splitting the reward. Pretty much anything goes that is appropriate to the Star Wars universe except Jedi or Sith. They have much better things to do than chase arms dealers that are on the outs with the hutts. If you want to play Jedi consider Siege of Pampanga and if you are interested in Sith read over Tragic Opera of the Sith. Other force adept characters are permissible though. At least one character should own a ship, details regarding which will be negotiated after character generation.

For supplemental character information and ideas visit Wookieepedia.


I'll be using a modified version of Star ORE utilizing some updates from Wild Talents second edition and the Madness Meters from Nemesis for this.