To Seek To Find Saxtis Trump

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Conclave Calix Council Notes Trump.jpg

  • Subject:Inquisitor Trump, Ordo Xenos
  • Purity: A complete review of his purity and faith conducted after Grasion Incident (FTY-45A442.5A) No sign of taint. However suspected of Radical leanings investigation pending.
  • Methodology: Dresses and acts Flamboyantly however this has proven to be but a facade. Trump is deeply calculating and a master of misdirection. He favors working using the local institutions and acolyte cells keeping the inquisitions true hand hidden as much as possible.
  • Completed Investigations:
   * Lehyde Ten: Local actions taken. Heretics purged.
   * Kudrun: Heresy free, political plot turned to Arbiters.
   * Heterodyne: Mass purges of ruling families of sub-continent 3. Imperial Guard and Sisters of Blessed Martyr used to cleanse by fire. Tainted acolyte team destroyed in Incident {YY7-TA63982.11}.
   * Mosul: {G78-HP78960.76-Sanctus Cruciatus}
   * Maccabeus Quintus: No results reported.
  • Current Investigations:
  • Unknown