Vampire (IsleofLumen)

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An atypical female Vampire. While the eyes are normally very intense, they are more often than not a dark red, though variations (such as this) can exist.

Vampires are the Isle of Lumen's creatures of the night. Though they require no rest, this is when they are most active. Everything from their appearances to their history is shrouded in legend and is generally unknown.


Vampires are, perhaps, the most unknown creatures on the Isle of Lumen. Their histories are scattered at best, but a healthy amount of information has been gathered about their past.

Vampires are extremely intelligent beings, who around their first generations developed a way to communicate soundly with one another. Their documented past involves their creation - being the oldest living creatures on the Isle of Lumen, they are believed to have descended from the Six Divine, who gave them life.

Organized government was almost as immediate as organized communication, but many different forms of government came and went. At first, a group of three Vampires took the reins over the entire race, but a rebellion ensued after unfair treatment took place, and they were all slaughtered. After an extended period of anarchy, the same form of government took place, then named the "Cothroime". The three were all regarded as fair and trustworthy, and reigned for at least a hundred years. Eventually, however, the three lost their patience with one another and the trio was taken down as the rulers.

Almost at once, another, single person took the stage as ruler: the Vampiress D'ardaigh. This Vampire, who remains alive to this day was regarded as a perfect ruler, and she remained leader until The Council became the supreme leader of the Isle of Lumen. Regarded as a flawlessly beautiful Vampire with crimson-red locks, D'ardaigh remains to this day a famous role-model among Vampires. Her intelligence is legendary, and though she was admittedly bitter about leaving her position, she is currently the main Vampire correspondent to the Council.


Vampires are best known, perhaps, for their fangs. They protrude from the mouth only slightly, and can be retracted into the mouth, though this will often be painful for an adult vampire who's fangs are by then fully grown.


Vampires are extremely sensitive to sunlight. They go nearly blind when the sun is completely out, and exposure for more than a few seconds can lead to extreme pain. Increased exposure will lead to death. When a vampire "dies" (being that they are already dead, they cannot die again, but the term is used), their body ceases movement as would a natural death. After a few seconds, however, the skin becomes translucent and eventually evaporates in a split second, leaving only a wisp of dark, thin smoke. Due to these circumstances, any disappearances within the Vampire community are often noted as a "death".

Vampires suffer immensely from blood-lust, though most, if well trained, can go for weeks without a single feeding. The Council has tried in the past to outlaw the feeding of sentient beings, leaving the Vampires to feed off of animals, but this has never occurred. Animal blood will satisfy Vampires, but for a shorter amount of time than a sentient's.


Vampire bites have been classified (albeit crudely) into three degrees:

  • 3rd Degree would be a feeding bite. The victim is not much affected (other than having the blood taken), and the Vampire is satisfied very little.
  • 2nd Degree is a "turning" bite, which, while satisfying the Vampire enough to last many weeks, also turns the victim into a Vampire.*