Mei Mei

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The Mei Mei was once the noteworthy pleasure transport Borderland Express.

  • Dimensions 50Wx175Lx40H
  • Tonnage: 900 tons
  • Speed Class: 5 cruise/ No Hard Burn
  • Crew: 6
  • Fuel Capacity: 18 tons (600 Hours)
  • Cargo Capacity: 50 tons in 2 standard cargo containers, plus an additional 20 tons throughout.
  • Passengers:
    • 4 first class staterooms
    • 4 second class accommodations.
  • Agility d2
  • Strength d4
  • Vitality d10
  • Alertness d4
  • Intelligence d4
  • Willpower d4
  • Initiative d4+d4
  • Life 8
  • Pilot d2, Perception d4, Perform d2
  • Slow Throttle (Major)
  • Complexity: Very Low
  • Price: 18,000
  • Maintenance Cost: 720 (60/month)
  • Gear: 1 half container Weapons System, Mule, 2 escape pods


The Borderland Express was a high stake gambling craft that plied the route from Bellerophon, to Persephone and onto Paquin. It had a reputation as a deceptively luxurious vessel hidden inside the plain frame of Kuiper I class transport. Its crew skimmed a small fortune off the winnings of some of the 'Verse's greatest gamblers. In the summer of 2520 the vessel was intercepted and hijacked by a crew of desperate pirates led by Captain Collington and his engineer wife, the original crew was killed. Collington and his pirates, used most of the original proceeds from the hijacking to buy weapons systems and specialized cargo holds. They then engaged in a complex plot of human trafficking. It is believed that the intended some of the passengers and would be employees to serve in the sex trade, others as slave labor, and perhaps others as indentured servants out on the Rim. Their primary destination for these was to be the Kalidasa system on the Rim where such practices are more common. Collington and his crew were stopped by the crew of Summer's Gift and the ship deemed salvage and was transferred to their hands. Rechristened "Mei Mei" the ship is registered as property of Morningstar Shipping(Angel).
