THIS info needs to be adjusted to fit our setting...
VWBYyC <a href="http://ezbzzwxtwjkw.com/">ezbzzwxtwjkw</a>, [url=http://mnkdjmrcbwkw.com/]mnkdjmrcbwkw[/url], [link=http://kndtuhwwkpnr.com/]kndtuhwwkpnr[/link], http://ynagopudxspm.com/
Gorilla Solider
ABILITIES: STR: 30 (+10), DEX: 14 (+2), CON: 20 (+5), INT: 8 (-1), WIS: 12 (+1), CHA: 8 (-1) SKILLS: Acrobatics 2 (+4), Climb 2 (+12), Disable Device 2 (+1), Drive 2 (+4), Intimidate 8 (+7), Know (tactics) 2 (+1), Notice 8 (+9), Pilot 2 (+4), Sense Motive (+1), Stealth 4 (+6) FEATS: All-out Attack, Ambidexterity, Endurance (1), Equipment (6) [30 pt. equipment], Fast Overrun, Fearless, Improved Grab, Improved Grapple, Improved Pin, Improved Throw, Improved Trip, Rage (2) [+4 STR, +2 Fort and Will saves, -2 DEF], Startle POWERS (Simian Physiology):
- Super-Movement: Swinging [1]
- Super-Senses: Low-light vision (1), Scent (1) [2]
EQUIPMENT: (Typical Solider) – Combat Vest (Protection 3) [3], Assault Rifle (+5 lethal, Ballistic, Autofire, RI 50ft, Large] [16], Heavy Pistol (+4 lethal, Ballistic, RI 40ft) [8], Tonfa Club (+2 melee damage) [2], Commlink [1] Mini-Copters Pilots – Lt. Vest (Protection +1) [1], Commlink [1], ‘Sword’ Rotor-Wings [28pts STR 30, SPD 6 (flight), DEF 6, TOUGH +10, SZ Huge, WPN: Machine Guns +6 (lethal), Ballistic, Autofire, RI 50ft, Large] COMBAT: Attack+4 [Unarmed +10 (Lethal), Assault Rifle +5 (lethal), Heavy Pistol +4 (lethal), Tonfa +12 (lethal)]; Defense 12 (11 flat-footed); Init +2 SAVES: Toughness +5 (+8 w/Cbt Vest +6), Fortitude +5, Reflex +2, Will +1 DRAWBACKS: none Abilities 32 +Skills 8 (32 ranks) +Feats 19 +Powers 4 +Combat 12 +Saves 0 –Drawbacks 0 = 75
Chimp Scientist/Leader [PL6, 75 point fanatical Minions]
ABILITIES: STR: 20 (+5), DEX: 18 (+4), CON: 18 (+4), INT: 14 (+2), WIS: 12 (+1), CHA: 10 SKILLS: Acrobatics 2 (+6), Climb 4 (+9), Computers 2 (+4), Drive 2 (+6), Escape Artist 2 (+6), Know (tactics) 2 (+4), any one other 2 (+4), Intimidate 2 (+2), Investigation 2 (+4), Notice 8 (+9), Pilot 2 (+6), Search 2 (+4), Sense Motive 6 (+7), Stealth 4 (+8) FEATS: Acrobatic Bluff, Ambidexterity, Dodge Focus (2), Endurance (1), Equipment (6), Improved Disarm, Improved Grab, Improved Throw, Teamwork (2) POWERS (Simian Physiology):
- Super-Movement: Swinging [1]
- Super-Senses: Low-light (1), Scent (1) [2]
EQUIPMENT: (Typical) – Armored Vest (+3 protection) [3], SMG (+4 lethal, Ballistic, Autofire, RI 40ft, Medium) [12], Sleeping Gas Grenades (Fatigue, Explosive 4, 40ft R, Reflex 14) [12], Tonfa Club (+2 damage) [2], Commlink [1] COMBAT: Attack +4 [Unarmed +5 (Bruise), SMG +4 (lethal), Heavy Pistol +4 (lethal), Tonfa +7 (lethal)]; Defense 14 (11 flat-footed); Init +3 SAVES: Toughness +7 (w/o vest +4), Fortitude +4, Reflex +4, Will +1 DRAWBACKS: none Abilities 32 +Skills 11 (44 ranks) +Feats 16 +Powers 4 +Combat 12 +Saves 0 – Drawbacks 0 =75