Ghosts Of Saturn

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Welcome to the Ghosts of Saturn play by post campaign wiki. Your GM is Robert Edwards.

Ghosts of Saturn uses the Eclipse Phase rules and setting.

Your Mind is a Tool. Use it.

Your Body is an Precise Instrument. Sharpen it.

Evolution is a tidal wave. Surf it.

The Universe is hostile. Confront it.

The Pitch

The PCs are a diverse group traveling on the Scum fright liner "Free Market Maru" arriving at Hilton Saturn Station. SOMETHING BAD JUST HAPPEN, and the Station is not transmitting any coherent signals.

Some of the PCs may suspect people they are looking for are on that Station.

Other PCs may suspect that people they can shoot without feeling bad about shooting them afterward are on that Station.

Now they face "The Ghosts of Saturn"!

I had an idea for gming a game about a Scum Barge arriving at a seemingly abandoned colony. Hilarity and Horror ensue. What I have in mind is something a bit more like Event Horizon than Gilligan's Island. With a touch of The Black Hole, Saturn 3, and The Cassini Division. I have decided against having the low wage hotel maids and maintenance folks being Techo Techo Cthulu worshippers. I am certain everyone is heartbroken.

Make sure your back up insurance is paid in full, and consider buying emergency farcasters. Heh

I'm not going to presuppose a Firewall mission. On the other hand, if the Players all show up with Firewall PCs, whom am I to argue?

There's a reason for your ship to go to this haunted station and a way to stick/trap you there for 40, 50 hours or so.

You should figure on coming as you are to this location: Not gonna be a gun store or a stockpile of Morphs to switch to.

K, here's what we're looking for in the way of player characters. People who might be on a spaceship out on the ass end of the solar system, either working the ship or tagging along. Space Truckers. Space Pirates. Space Prospectors. Space Hookers I suppose. Journalists and slumming tourist welcome. Used Morph Salesmen. Scrapegrace mad scientists on the run. Drunken doctors. The usual.

Everybody will find their gaming experience enhanced if they have a minimal set of survival skills -- we're talking the ever popular shoot dodge, stab, and or punch combat skills and some vac suit experience. First aid. A lanuage in common with the other PCs. Some anti-net intrusion kung fu.

Every character should have some teamwork ability as well, unless you really want to play the annoying victim. You know the classic PC team specialties:

  • The Fixer Upper.
  • The Saboteur
  • The Hacker
  • The skill monkey
  • The insane gun bunny
  • The even more insane greatest swordsman in an AU.
  • The Greatest thief in an AU
  • The strong one.
  • The fast one.
  • The psychic.

Overlay these capabilities with the Leader, the Pretty One, the Thug, The Face (might come in handy) the Socialite, the one who does all work, the professor and Mary Ann personalities as desired.

What do you all want to play?

The Ship

The Station

Hilton Saturn Station has a torus wheel for the tourists, sitting on a spike tower, stuck into an icy potato of a moonlet. Looks like a cocktail umbrella stuck into a big pile of dirty ice. The tourist torus has spin for artificial gee. The Main docking center is at the Hub at the spike above the torus, The Hub does not rotate and is in micro gee. The Spike tower is some 600 meters long/tall, and the torus some 400 meters in diameter.

There's a beehive of tunnels and domes around the base of the spike, housing for the hired hands, power plants, ice mining, storeage and fabrication shops, the stuff that actually makes this a viable station. All in micro gee, of course. There are more docking ports for cargo and personnel transfer vehicles around the beehive.

It's a dump, but it's a NICE dump by post-fall Saturn system standards. Lack of livable space has been the biggest factor slowing the re-sleeving of uploaded fall victims.

Most tourists going here these days Farcast. Our heroes have chosen to take a ship, on the months long voyage out from the belt to Saturn.

The Threads

The PCs

Milton Hammet -- a detective searching for Truth

Mr Marcus Cole -- a broken hearted explorer searching for Family

M. Irit Botvinnik -- a mercenary thug searching for Meaning

[Zoya Flerko], Scum Hacker, wants to party forever or die trying. Played by seekerofshadowlight

[Julius Jacobi], architect and neotate psychic, on the run from a mysterius organization called Firewall. Played by jMobius.

Our Story So Far

In the immortal words of Superman's gravestone "To Be Continued"