Ship Description
The Kuiper Class is a utilitarian design sparse on aesthetics, much of the mandatory safety equipment appears to be an afterthought. The same applies even to necessary features such as lighting, door mechanisms, furniture, and plumbing. Summer's Gift was revamped during an extensive stay on Miranda. The internal appearance has a brass and wood veneer with matching hardware in most of the 'public' spaces, but the ugly Kuiper class is not entirely hidden.

The Bridge is a baroque combination of parts from half a dozen different vessels. The metals and plastics vary in appearance, the monitors and screens seem ill fitting and mismatched.
- The Door to the Bridge can be locked with a formidable lock, opened with the Captain's Key, or from the inside.
- Just outside the Bridge is a pull ladder that leads to a short jeffrie's tube, leadin up to the forward top-hatch. The Hatch is pressure sensitive, split sliding door. It will only open if the pressure is equalized on both sides. So it will not open in vacuum, unless the ship is depressurized.
Medical Suite
Formerly the owner's suite, this space is cramped for a medical bay. The original bunk was replaced with medical bed. A 14 year old medical scanner and computer was fitted into the space above and beside the bed. The original safe built into a small desk is still there. The rest of the room is composed of cabinets holding medical supplies and equipment.
The small bathroom was modified to permit easier use by injured crewmen. The bath does hold the various shampoos and toiletries of the crew as it is used by most crewmen for showers and such.
The medical suite attaches to the Ward Room through a simple door.
Forward Lounge
Port Passenger Suite
Starboard Passenger Suite
Midship Lounge
- There is a pull ladder that leads to a short jeffrie's tube, leadin up to the forward top-hatch. The Hatch is pressure sensitive, split sliding door. It will only open if the pressure is equalized on both sides. So it will not open in vacuum, unless the ship is depressurized.
Joshua's Quarters
Rina's Quarters
Nika's Quarters
Arden's Quarters
Port Crew Dorm
Starboard Crew Dorm
Aft Workroom
- There is a pull ladder that leads to a short jeffries tube, leading up to the forward top-hatch. The Hatch is pressure sensitive, split-sliding door. It will only open if the pressure is equalized on both sides. So it will not open in vacuum, unless the ship is depressurized.
Engine Room
- Outside the engine room is the transverse corridor. It provides access to the two upper aft cargo containers. There are also two hatches in the floor at opposite ends of the corridor leading down to the Lower Deck.
Garden Container
Ward Room
Passenger Container
The Standard Passenger Container provide adequate if cramped space for four passengers, or eight with double occupancy (with a fold down bunk). It resembles a sleeper car on a train. A narrow corridor leads past a linen closet. There are four doors with simple mechanical locks (basically just latches). At the end of the corridor is a small head. The floor of the head is equipped with a small ridge and drain to permit a simple hose-based showering system. It is not comfortable, but second class customers did not pay for comfort.
Each room is identical. It contains a small bed, desk/vanity, pull out drawers under the bed, and a single fold up chair built into the floor. There is lighting, and an adapter to link datapads into the ship's cortex system.
Garage Container
Kiera's Clinic
Ship's Lockers
Weapons Pod
This half container appears from the outside to be a standard half sized container. If you open the doors it appears to be packed tightly full of metal crates. However, this is a facade. The facade pulls open to reveal a small space dedicated to the ship's defense. The room is dominated by a circular turret walled off about five feet high. Inside is a light machine gun with two boxes of ammo. Also there are the controls for the 20lb cannon housed in the base of the turret. When activated, the turret pops down beneath the hull for 360˚ arc of fire.
The rest of the room is lined with sturdy storage space for the cannon's roudns, as well as additional rounds for the machine gun.