Sunset the Battlebabe
Character Type
Battle Babe
See these three character images: [face], [figure], [fashion]. Asian female, mid-twenties, lean, hard-edged, dressed in combats-and-camo when it's warm or leathers when it's cold.
(Woman, casual wear, boyish face, arresting eyes, angular body)
Stats and the Basic Moves
Cool +3* (Act Under Fire) Hard 0* (Go Aggro, Seize by Force) Hot +1 (Seduce or Manipulate) Sharp +1 (Read a Situation or Person) Weird -1 (Open Your Brain to the Maelstrom)
Special Moves
Ice Cold: when going aggro, instead of adding Hard add Cool (NPCs) or HX (PCs)
Merciless: when inflicting harm, add one
Gear and Barter
Kusarigama (2-Harm, Hand, Area, Valuable) (Chain + Blade + Antique)
Machine Pistol (2-Harm, Close/Far, Loud) (Handgun + Semi-Automatic + Three-Round Burst)
Tough Fashion (1-Armour)
Oddments (2-barter)
Interesting Fact
Despite her chosen profession, Sun treats violence as a last resort. She's never fought in the pit, and views those who do with a detached distaste. Those who know her will have seen her lose her cool precisely once, during a messy affair involving a Hocus cult and a handful of missing girls and young women.
Angler +1 Dez +1 Hammer +1 Jones +3 Tai -1