What Goes Around...

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The issue begins with the Main Cast, Vivian and Matt in The Hopewell Foundation's office, watching a Milos give a press conference about the opening of King Farm, a gated community for what Milos terms "The Godlike;" the speech Milos uses to open the press conference is the "Godlike Convocation" that's opened every issue so far. During questions, Milos offhandedly refers to the Hopewell Foundation as a cult. In response, Brian dictates a press release to Vivian over the phone as he heads off to Hopewell, New Jersey for a meeting with Zaida binte Shouk.
Meanwhile, Arthur still has a race ahead of him. He arrives in Daytona and meets with Dale Earnhadrt, Jr., the driver of the rival car. He also discovers that a Horse and Cheetah have been added to the race to spice things up. Arthur puts on a good show, mostly by not immediately winning the race. The crowd's first reaction is stunned silence, but they soon explode onto the track, cheering for Arthur. Watching at home, Harold screams himself hoarse while Jack and Mandy watch, bemused.
As the issue closes, the fighter pilot Brian rescued in issue #14 comes to give Brian a plaque and a helmet as thanks and Julie Young comes into the HF offices in tears; Daniel wants a divorce (and custody of Maggie and Alex) and, worse, he's being represented by Milos.

Jack Bennet's RECAP[edit]

Brian Jaffe's RECAP[edit]

Arthur Redford's RECAP[edit]

Mandy Smith's RECAP[edit]

FIRST Appearances[edit]

  • ??

NOTEABLE Appearances[edit]

  • ??